| - Individual challenges can be found in Fallout: New Vegas. These challenges can be located on the Pip-Boy under Data > Misc > Challenges. Upon completion of challenges, varying amounts of XP are granted to the player. There are also special perks such as Lord Death, that can only be unlocked by completing challenges. Challenges may be completed once, three times for increasing levels of a special perk, or repeated an unlimited number of times. Upon completing a challenge, a sound is heard, the same when you level up in original Fallout and Fallout 2.
| - Individual challenges can be found in Fallout: New Vegas. These challenges can be located on the Pip-Boy under Data > Misc > Challenges. Upon completion of challenges, varying amounts of XP are granted to the player. There are also special perks such as Lord Death, that can only be unlocked by completing challenges. File:ChallengePerk.png Challenges are listed below with a description next to it as seen in the Pip-Boy. Some challenges do not show up until progress has been made (e.g. A Little Critical only shows up after you've scored at least one critical hit with a one handed gun). Many challenges are not available until a prior one of the same general type has been completed. For example completing Energetic unlocks More Energetic, Set Lasers for Fun, Beam (Weapon) Me Up, and You'll Blind Somebody, and then completing More Energetic unlocks Critical Reaction, and Let's Get Critical. Challenges may be completed once, three times for increasing levels of a special perk, or repeated an unlimited number of times. Upon completing a challenge, a sound is heard, the same when you level up in original Fallout and Fallout 2.