| - The Underground Corruption is the underground counterpart of the surface Corruption Biome. It is most recognizable by the purple or black background (similar to the Underground Hallow's pink background). The Underground Corruption and the Underground Hallow are the only underground biomes with their own themes. The Underground Corruption's theme starts with the normal underground theme, before fading into the Corruption theme. The Monsters found in the Underground Corruption are:
* Corrupt Slime - Drops Gel and is common in the Underground Corruption.
* Slimer - Drops Gel.
* World Feeder - Drops Cursed Flames.
* Mimic - Seems to spawn more often here than anywhere else.
* Clinger - Man Eater-like mob, shoots and drops Cursed Flames.
* Cursed Hammer - Hovers and spins before attacking,Can inflict the Cursed debuff
* Wraith - Seems to spawn most often here. Other monsters may wander into the Underground Corruption, e.g., Giant Bats, Giant Worms, Skeletons, Skeleton Archers and Armored Skeletons. All monsters in the Underground Corruption (including those that have wandered in) have a chance to drop a Soul of Night, which is used to make many rare items, including the Demon Wings.