Attributes | Values |
| - Garrett Feroce (Earth-0228)
| - Has the average strength for a man his size and height who engages in moderate to intensive exercise except for when he used his Kinetic Energy Manipulation to augment this strength.
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| - *Garrett's codename of Armel is a French Variant meaning "Warrior Prince" which he took due to his extensive knowledge in fighting and weapons.
*He is of Mexican and Cajun French descent.
| - X-traordinary X-men base, Savage Land
| - Coloration of his eyes, the tribal tattoo on his back which may glow electric blue when using his powers
| - ===Origins===
Garrett's origins lie in the Louisiana Bayou, born to a family that was well off enough between his mother and father. Though they weren't in any where close to being rich. For most of Garrett's life he resided in the Bayou, finding himself being able to learn quite a bit about it's wildlife, canals, and some history of the area. Of course he also went to school like most kids to learn his basic academics along with various other side classes such as PE,technology, music, art, and a few others. He actually made decent grades of an A-B average and did slack off a little bit throughout the years before his teenage years came along.
But from the age of seven it became apparent he had an immediate interest when it came to various forms of fighting. But his parents didn't agree with the fact and tried to get their son into something that they thought could prove to be more successful in his life. Though Garrett complied in playing sports here and there he went behind their back and began to seek out teachers who would allow him to learn. By the age of twelve Garrett was already in kick boxing by one local sponsor and a dojo that taught him other forms of fighting and use of weapons, some with his close combat. All of these actually proved to come natural to Garrett far more then sports and he was glad to find something he could focus and excel in, though not before it began to conflict with his schooling. When his grades dropped slightly by the time he was fourteen his parents were quick to notice and began to try and discover the issue. When they followed Garrett one day to his training with kick boxing they were furious to know their son had disobeyed their wishes which resulted in a shouting match in front of his couch and fellow fighters.
Humiliated Garrett gave up his fighting despite having excelled on many levels. But this only proved to cause a depression with the young man, even a strain relationship with his parents to the point they hardly talked. A year later Garrett finally dropped out of school part way into his freshmen year before running away from home to live on his own. Thanks to some of the prize money he had saved from his competitions in his fighting and from odd jobs allowing him to buy a small apartment. While still in Louisiana Garrett began to find an interest in parkour that he had noticed around and joined a small group of these free runners and began to once more excel in training with them and pushing his body to handle it's own power.
But shortly after he turned sixteen Garrett was out late one night on his own, planning to practice more of his parkour. But on this fateful night several thugs had tailed the young man, making him having to face up to them when they wanted money and any other personal belongings. Not willing to let them push him around Garrett immediately began to fight back when he refused, but being outnumbered 10 to 1 it could have very well been Garrett's last fight if not for his powers manifesting. Absorbing bits of energy from each hit Garrett's eyes finally glowed an electric blue and he created an invisible shield to stop their attacks before firing concentrated kinetic energy concussive blasts that blasted the men back. Out of fear the men took off, leaving Garrett badly beaten but glad they were gone.
From that moment on Garrett decided to leave Louisiana and traveled for a few months on his own.
A New Life
After a few months Garrett would come to the Jean Grey School and enrolled there to continue his education. Though he wouldn't be there very long before he was picked to join a new squad of students to become the new X-men. Thus Laurie took him and four others under her wing as their field leader and also secretly to be trained for the younger covert X-men's team.
Garrett is a very out-going and out spoken kind of person from the get go. He always speaks his mind no matter if he's among his superiors or other authority figures, but that doesn't mean Garrett knows when to shut his mouth. For the most part Garrett can be quite stubborn and hard headed, making it difficult for someone to deal with him or persuade him to something else when his mind is made up. In a sense he can actually be quite difficult to work and deal with, often butting heads with his teammates.
But when people get past the difficult man on the surface beneath all that is a rather kind man at heart. Garrett actually can be quite caring towards his teammates, family, and friends, always willing to look out for them no matter what the situation is. Though sometimes his actions may be rash and he jumps into things head on they are often for a reason. Besides this he can also be quite easy going and laid back, and one thing he always tries to do is be a role model when it comes to the younger generations. Which of course leads him often to showing off a little.
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| - Alano Feroce , Amora Feroce , Grandparents
| - Blue
- Electric blue with navy blue sclera
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| - X-traordinary X-men, X-men
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| - Sometimes his own power, X-jet
| - *Garrett is an excellent martial artist to the point he has been trained in many different forms and disciplines of fighting to have a variety in his fighting style.
*He could also be considered a Weapon Specialist due to the many types of weapons he has also learned such as bo staffs, bladed weapons, a few guns, and a few uncommon weapons like whips.
*Garrett is also considered a practitioner of Parkour since he has only practiced it for a few years and still learning.
*Is considered multilingual due to his mixed heritage which he knows English, Cajun French, French, and Spanish fluently.
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| - Varies depending on the situation
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| - *Garrett being so difficult sometimes he tends to butt heads with his teammates and may often be a little rash in his decisions, leading him into many dangerous situations
*With his kinetic energy manipulation Garrett can exert his own but to avoid getting too tired he has to absorb kinetic energy from other moving objects or items, and occasionally kinetic-based powers.
*Many of the other powers he has requires kinetic energy and using it for long periods of time tires Garrett out rather fast.
*Unless Garrett is in peak physical condition or in perfect health his powers will be either at their strongest or greatly weakened to hardly doing any real damage.
*Garrett's powers also tend to take much concentration and control, leading the level of his powers to vary or become uncontrollable when upset, angry, or stressed.
| - *Kinetic Energy Manipulation:When an item or person is put into motion energy is needed to get it moving, creating another kind of energy. This energy is called kinetic energy, literally meaning the energy of motion. Garrett is capable of harnessing the use of kinetic energy for various effects, resembling electrical energy to some and has given him the following abilities:
**Kinetic Absorption:Though Garrett can use his own energy for his kinetic controlling powers he can also absorb the energy created by moving objects or blows and use it as his own. He can also absorb powers that involve kinetic energy to a degree but still can be affected by such attacks.
**Kinetic Combat:He can channel the kinetic energy in his body to enhance his physical attacks. This includes power fists, enhanced strength, power kicking, enhanced speed, and enhanced jump. This allows him to lift little over 1175 lbs max, run at 75 mph, and jump to about 30 feet high.
**Kinetic Emission:By concentrating the kinetic energy he absorbs or exerts from his own energy, Garrett can create concussive force blasts that can vary in power depending upon his concentration. Usually these blasts are strong enough to go through steel plates and beams to being weak enough it barely destroys a pebble.
**Kinetic Activation:By transferring the energy he has Garrett can imbue an object or person to move even when they do not want to. This can last only up to about a few minutes to a few hours depending on how much he transfers.
**Kinetic Shielding:Garrett can create a force field of kinetic energy that projects outward, though it is otherwise invisible until hit. When it is hit Garrett can mentally absorb the power, negate it, or redirect the attack back at a foe with double the power.
**Kinetic Sliding:Using the kinetic energy Garrett can move along any surface he chooses in a similar manor of skating or sliding on his back, butt, or even his stomach.
**Kinetic Burst:By concentrating kinetic energy to an object he touches Garrett can cause them to explode like that of a grenade or concentrated this energy into small "marble" shapes and toss them to act a way similar to fireworks, causing only enough damage to leave only bruising.
**Kinetic Weapon Constructs:Holding true to his codename, Garrett can concentrate and shape kinetic energy into various types of weapons of his choice, usually being ones he's familiar with. These take on an electrical spark like appearance, giving the look that he is manipulating electricity when it is really not the case but these weapons can be blunt objects, nets, and blades, to name a few.
**Kinetic Healing:Can use this energy to heal certain wounds, small ones taking a few minutes with major ones taking days or weeks. Cannot however regenerate any limbs.
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| - Guess dis makes me da new ragin' cajun in town.