| - Halo is the best first person shooter ever made. It's not the first, it's not the most influential, it's simply the best. The combination of great control, amazing story, excellent enemy AI and slick level design adds up to a truly impressive game indeed. Is it the best launch game ever for a system? It would be hard to argue with Super Mario Bros. in this category, but Halo will have you rethinking this. It will have you rethinking a lot of things. Like which console you're going to buy this holiday season. Like whether or not you need to eat. Or sleep. Or do anything you should be doing. The single player game is a masterpiece, and the multi-player will keep you and fifteen of your closest friends warm for years to come.
- This is the first halo game and has some clans.
| - Halo is the best first person shooter ever made. It's not the first, it's not the most influential, it's simply the best. The combination of great control, amazing story, excellent enemy AI and slick level design adds up to a truly impressive game indeed. Is it the best launch game ever for a system? It would be hard to argue with Super Mario Bros. in this category, but Halo will have you rethinking this. It will have you rethinking a lot of things. Like which console you're going to buy this holiday season. Like whether or not you need to eat. Or sleep. Or do anything you should be doing. The single player game is a masterpiece, and the multi-player will keep you and fifteen of your closest friends warm for years to come.
- This is the first halo game and has some clans.
- Halo is the best first person shooter ever made. It's not the first, it's not the most influential, it's simply the best. The combination of great control, amazing story, excellent enemy AI and slick level design adds up to a truly impressive game indeed. Is it the best launch game ever for a system? It would be hard to argue with Super Mario Bros. in this category, but Halo will have you rethinking this. It will have you rethinking a lot of things. Like which console you're going to buy this holiday season. Like whether or not you need to eat. Or sleep. Or do anything you should be doing. The single player game is a masterpiece, and the multi-player will keep you and fifteen of your closest friends warm for years to come. Now the fine people at IGN Guides have made a good thing even better. We've crafted a full guide to Halo, so if you're stuck in the Library, or need help facing the Flood, or just need tips on driving the Warthog, you know where to turn. Our guide includes a detailed walkthrough of all ten missions, weapons and vehicle info, multi-player strategies and tons of tactical hints. So what are you waiting for, Master Chief? Lock and load!