Error:6724 a computer virus that could destroy particular files, images or links and replace them with the word 'Error:6724'. It is found on both the CPFW and in Dorkugal's high-tech system. The computer virus is the cause of a blackout in the 44th storey of the Googolplex, and has been removed subsequently. The following code was written in the virus that caused the temporary blackout in the Googolplex:
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| - Error:6724 a computer virus that could destroy particular files, images or links and replace them with the word 'Error:6724'. It is found on both the CPFW and in Dorkugal's high-tech system. The computer virus is the cause of a blackout in the 44th storey of the Googolplex, and has been removed subsequently. The following code was written in the virus that caused the temporary blackout in the Googolplex:
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| - Error:6724 a computer virus that could destroy particular files, images or links and replace them with the word 'Error:6724'. It is found on both the CPFW and in Dorkugal's high-tech system. The computer virus is the cause of a blackout in the 44th storey of the Googolplex, and has been removed subsequently. The following code was written in the virus that caused the temporary blackout in the Googolplex: 123456240324234p432959249p57293457p943592545729592450435079304570257257p425423759p23752752352572p50289572437592746724867480267248396742670476824682438672364378967346493267932762376894374723707934879237623782376423760234670427623746842376234760297624376420376429672076420762876428672487648923764286704276824786427684976827460423764823764276267247647642764320674674674267437604760246724762964642767464270627643296243076230672346742367236702760247604723847326724896724836724038642386743867023476423076823476824764286720764867407... The letter 'p' helps to detonate viruses across Dorkugal, however it failed in this case as the digits surrounding the letter 'p' prevents it from doing so, and was only able to shut down it's nearest outlet: the lighting system of the 44th floor in the Googolplex. The error is not so serious in other cases, and is not really a virus at all in extreme one. For instance, the Lasoun scare of 2008, in which the word Error:6724 replaced a link at it's page (it's still there), made authorities think that this is a sign of a potential nationwide blackout. However, it was only for fun and some even regarded the authorities as 'dumb enough to believe such a theory'. To prevent the error from disrupting services, a code known as 'WYKZ' programmed by Doctor Symantec was released and rid all of the actual viruses. Half of all the actual viruses are destroyed as of May 2010, and the whole process is expected to complete by 2011. It is also available in all antivirus software, although it is quite uncommon in personal computers nowadays.
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