I must profess to a fascination with all our various Dwemer offerings: the tarnished bronze cogs, strange tubing made by unseen hands, and gears that seem to lock together to create magical creations powered by steam and arcane machinations. While I haven't the courage to wander into Dwemer cities (although I long to venture into Volenfell if it exists, beneath the Alik'r Desert), I take great pleasure in listening to the stories of brave explorers who face strange and golden statues below the ground of Skyrim and Hammerfell.
Attributes | Values |
| - Ingredient Classification 10: Dwemer Elements
| - I must profess to a fascination with all our various Dwemer offerings: the tarnished bronze cogs, strange tubing made by unseen hands, and gears that seem to lock together to create magical creations powered by steam and arcane machinations. While I haven't the courage to wander into Dwemer cities (although I long to venture into Volenfell if it exists, beneath the Alik'r Desert), I take great pleasure in listening to the stories of brave explorers who face strange and golden statues below the ground of Skyrim and Hammerfell.
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| - I must profess to a fascination with all our various Dwemer offerings: the tarnished bronze cogs, strange tubing made by unseen hands, and gears that seem to lock together to create magical creations powered by steam and arcane machinations. While I haven't the courage to wander into Dwemer cities (although I long to venture into Volenfell if it exists, beneath the Alik'r Desert), I take great pleasure in listening to the stories of brave explorers who face strange and golden statues below the ground of Skyrim and Hammerfell. When peace comes again, I may yet head to Morrowind and speak to those living near the Dwarven ruins in the Velothi Mountains, if only to learn more about the great treasures of the Dwarves. Now I simply gaze at these trinkets, hammering and melting them down into ore and chiseling tiny slivers of this metal to sprinkle into enchantments the Master prepares, or dabbing tiny droplets of oil into mixtures to add augmentations to a worthy weapon. Dwarven oil is a strange liquid that weeps from the oddities inhabiting Dwarven ruins: the sphere that rolls, the spider that scuttles, and the great centurion that roars with steam-powered vengeance. The oil is most valuable when quickly bottled; stained or sodden cloth isn't helpful to our refining process. Break one of these soulless creatures and be sure to sift among the wreckage for cogs and gears; both are valuable no matter how worn the metal is.