Guardromon are Champion Level Digimon with armored body is made of solid iron. He also has rocket jets mounted on his back.
Guardromon is a champion level, virus type, machine attribute Digimon. It's name and design are dirived from a robot. It has solid, iron aromor with jet packs coming out of it's back. One played a major role in the third season of the anime.
Guardromon are shown in a flashback with a bunch of Mekanorimon. The Guardromon are led by the [[Piedmon ()|Dark Master Piedmon]] while raiding a building that the [[Digi-Egg ()|Digi-Egg]]s of the eight [[DigiDestined ()|DigiDestined]] partner Digimon are held in, but a younger Gennai makes off with them. The Ultimate Clash
Guardromon sind Maschinendigimon, die oftmals in Fabriken und Industrien vorkommen und dort Maschinen bedienen oder auch reparieren.