| - Treat him with respect and say the correct regards to him, because if you say Hi instead of DJANNI'HAH he will put Soulfire on you, lasting for 150 turns of 10 hp each, for a total of 1500 damage. Before a certain update, he summoned several Green Djinn instead, even if the player was allied with the Efreet.
- Treat him with respect and say the correct regards to him, otherwise if you say 'Hi' instead of 'DJANNI'HAH' he will put you on Soulfire for 150 turns of 10 hp each, for a total of 1500 hp damage. Before an update, he summoned several Green Djinns instead, even if the player was allied with Efreet.
- Behandel hem met respect en begroet hem op de juiste manier. Wanneer je "hi" zegt in plaats van "DJANNI'HAH" doet hij Soulfire op je voor 150 rondes van 10 hp elk, tot een totaal van 1.5000 schade!