| - Way of extending potentially short gameplay almost but not quite infinitely by setting completed tasks (such as collecting a certain number of items and doing optional sidequests) as a percentage, sometimes given explicitly. This feeds into the obsessive nature of the player. Gamer opinion regarding this mechanic is roughly divided between those who feel that the goal should be easy for all players to obtain and those who believe it must be difficult enough for only a few players to reach it during the game's lifetime. It is always Serious Business, however. One does not usually need 100% to beat the game, but often will be rewarded with things like proper endings, infinite ammo, or "the making of" videos. Other times, you receive nothing but the satisfaction of putting so much time into completing everything in the game. This can get tedious however, especially if the game has several Empty Room Psychs or Missing Secrets. Or some spiffy new outfits. Or a very weird picture congratulating you. Occasionally, this is humorously extended way past 100%. See also Hundred-Percent Heroism Rating. Often related to Gotta Catch Them All. For the items a game requires you to collect to achieve this, see Pickup Hierarchy. The trope has become more popular with the rise of Achievements and Trophies, allowing the player to not only get one hundred percent completion, but show everyone online that they did. Have fun finding the Last Lousy Point. See also True Final Boss. Examples of Hundred-Percent Completion include: