| - Hot Shot is the quintessential young hero. He's been around long enough to earn a name for himself and a place in Optimus Prime's entourage, but he's still too young to know when he's in over his head. In other words, he's blunt, overconfident, and naïve, yet brave, honorable, loyal to his friends, and willing to risk his life to stop the Decepticons and help the Autobots. With time and experience, Prime believes, he could make an excellent leader, and Prime has appointed him to his command structure accordingly. Hot Shot's got the goods, but he just needs to pay attention for more than five seconds. Until that day, Hot Shot's likely response to most anything is, "Yeah yeah, like, whatever."
| - Hot Shot is the quintessential young hero. He's been around long enough to earn a name for himself and a place in Optimus Prime's entourage, but he's still too young to know when he's in over his head. In other words, he's blunt, overconfident, and naïve, yet brave, honorable, loyal to his friends, and willing to risk his life to stop the Decepticons and help the Autobots. With time and experience, Prime believes, he could make an excellent leader, and Prime has appointed him to his command structure accordingly. Hot Shot's got the goods, but he just needs to pay attention for more than five seconds. Until that day, Hot Shot's likely response to most anything is, "Yeah yeah, like, whatever." Hot Shot's Mini-Con partner is Jolt, though he has been known to moonlight with Mirage. Japanese name (Micron Legend): Hot Rod Japanese name (Galaxy Force): Exillion (戦士エクシリオン Senshi ("Warrior") Ekushilion?), later upgraded to Exigeyser (武装戦士エクシゲイザー (Musou Senshi ("Armored Warrior") Ekushigeizaa)?) Hungarian name (Armada): Nagymenő ("Hot Shot") Hungarian name (Energon and Cybertron): Tűzgolyó ("Fireball") Polish name (Armada): Piorunus ("Thunderboltus") Russain name (Energon, Cybertron): Leehach (Лихач, "Hothead") Ukrainian name: Zharo Streeliz (Жаро Стрілець)