| - Captain Yutak said, "I called for a medical evacuation helicopter, but it won't be here until two hours at the earliest. I'm terminating this research project, Dr. Dobashi. Pack up your filthy drugs. I want you to fly off my ship with Colonel Masahiro." Dobashi nodded, "Yes, sir! Will there also be room on the evacuation helicopter for the Military Intelligence courier?" "Yes, it is a large helicopter. I want all of you off this ship, including the two army privates." "I'll tell them to be ready to go." "I can find her." "How" "One call. I can start a search for her." "Come on, then!"
| - Captain Yutak said, "I called for a medical evacuation helicopter, but it won't be here until two hours at the earliest. I'm terminating this research project, Dr. Dobashi. Pack up your filthy drugs. I want you to fly off my ship with Colonel Masahiro." Dobashi nodded, "Yes, sir! Will there also be room on the evacuation helicopter for the Military Intelligence courier?" "Yes, it is a large helicopter. I want all of you off this ship, including the two army privates." "I'll tell them to be ready to go." The Captain asked, "How could this happen? Was she insane? What made her think she could use Lieutenant Shimousa as a test subject? Why would she use these drugs on her self?" Dobashi wanted to say as little as possible, but he also wanted Yutak to be asking as few questions as possible. "Masahiro got new orders from MIHQ and then she seemed to go to pieces. She became extremely aggressive and insisted that progress be made quickly on the research project." Captain Yutak grabbed Dobashis shoulders, "What about you? I thought you at least had sense. Why didn't you come to me and warn me that Masahiro was falling apart?" Dobashi shrugged, "I failed to recognize how desperate she was until it was too late. I assumed she had permission to make use of Lieutenant Shimousa on the project." "As an office assistant, not a test subject!" Captain Yutak released Dobashi, turned and hurried away down the hallway. Dobashi found privates Oya and Hachihei in their cabin and told them to get ready to leave the ship. He then went to his cabin and got his bags. He packed his clothing then went to his office. He prepared three more spray dispensers with drugs and then packed up all the drug bottles and burned all the data files with his experimental results onto a CD. He then erased the computer's hard drive. He returned to Colonel Masahiro's office and packed the guns and ammunition. Dobashi then went to the visitors cabin and checked on Lieutenant Fukusa. The Lieutenant complained of hunger so they went to the mess hall. Dobashi could not eat. All he could do was play silly verbal games with Fukusa in order to try to judge if the drugs were wearing off. Finally Fukusa said, "You're testing me. To see if the drugs are still working." It occurred to Dobashi that a military courier would have training in how to resist interrogation and psychological warfare techniques. He asked, "Does it bother you that I am experimenting on you?" "You have told me that we must bring justice to criminals. I worry that we cannot do this alone. Shouldn't we tell Captain Yutak what is going on?" "I spoke to Captain Yutak. He will help us by getting us to shore as quickly as possible. After that, we can seek additional help. But for now, I do not want to involve the Captain in my troubles. There is already danger enough for him without increasing the risk of making it look like he might have had something to do with Colonel Masahiro's drug overdose. No, lets leave Yutak out of this, at least for now. I'm already feeling bad enough about what I did to Lieutenant Shimousa. I would like to find her and make sure she is okay." "I can find her." "How" "One call. I can start a search for her." "Come on, then!" Dobashi and Fukusa went to the Communications Center. Lieutenant Fukusa flashed his credentials and said he had to check in with his unit commander. He was allowed to use the Captain's ready room for privacy. Dobashi waited nervously. The call seemed to last a long time. The Communications Center came alive with activity as the evacuation helicopter started making plans to land on the helipad. Finally Fukusa emerged from the ready room. Dobashi asked, "Did all go well?" Fukusa nodded. Dobashi said, "Okay, lets collect Oya and Hachihei and get to the helipad." Captain Yutak came around the corner, "Oh, there you are. Lieutenant Fukusa, please step into my ready room." Dobashi again waited anxiously for Fukusa to emerge. Dobashi wondered if an experienced commander like the Captain could take control of Fukusa. The conversation might go, "When did you last see Colonel Masahiro? Oh, so you spoke with her today. Did you notice anything unusual? She was holding Dobashi at gun point?" Dobashi had tried to prepare Lieutenant Fukusa with specific orders, but it was impossible to anticipate all contingencies. After less than a minute Fukusa joined Dobashi and they went in search of Oya and Hachihei. Dobashi guessed, "A message from Captain Yutak to Admiral Dardtso?" Fukusa replied, "Yes. He also expressed concern about Lieutenant Shimousa, so I mentioned the fact that you had asked me to initiate a search for her. The Captain asked me to keep him informed of the results of that search." Fifteen minutes later they were on the evacuation helicopter heading for land. Colonel Masahiro still had not regained consciousness and was on assisted respiration.