| - Hi! Welcome to BrookClan! I'm Stormwing. I'll show you around. See those rivers, streams, and stuff there? That's how we got our name. We are very good swimmers. Our main prey source is fish, mice, and voles. We are hostile towards you if you cross our borders, but it's more of a friendly rivalry. This is the nursery. My friend Dovefeather has four kits. Silvernose hasn't had hers yet. This is the elder's den. Oh, sorry, Mosstail! I didn't know you were sleeping! You don't feel so good? Go see Rabbitstorm!
| - Hi! Welcome to BrookClan! I'm Stormwing. I'll show you around. See those rivers, streams, and stuff there? That's how we got our name. We are very good swimmers. Our main prey source is fish, mice, and voles. We are hostile towards you if you cross our borders, but it's more of a friendly rivalry. This is the nursery. My friend Dovefeather has four kits. Silvernose hasn't had hers yet. This is the elder's den. Oh, sorry, Mosstail! I didn't know you were sleeping! You don't feel so good? Go see Rabbitstorm! Rabbitstorm is our medicine cat. This is her den. No, Rabbitstorm, I am not snooping in your herbs! Here is the warriors' den. The senior warriors sleep in the center. Younger warriors like me sleep around the edges. Hi, guys! This is the apprentice den. My apprentice, Squirrelpaw, sleeps here. See her? She's the dark ginger she-cat. Last but not least, this is Longstar's den. She is the leader of our Clan. She would say hi to you, but she's out hunting.