| - [Source] Bal'demnic était une planète de la Bordure Extérieure dans le secteur Auril. Durant une mission, Dark Plagueis tua son maître Dark Tenebrous sur cette planète. Plus tard, durant la Guerre des Clones, elle fut envahie par la Confédération des Systèmes Indépendants.
- After Plagueis killed his master Tenebrous on the planet, and later acquired mining rights to a large portion of the main continent, Bal'demnic did not figure into pan-galactic politics until the Clone Wars. The Confederacy of Independent Systems moved in to invade and mine Bal'demnic of its cortosis to bolster their own war effort. However, the Kon'me eventually rose up against the invaders, just as they were about to be liberated by the Galactic Republic. As a result, the natives drove off both the Republic and the Confederacy, although the former maintained a significant naval presence in the system following the battle.
- Bal'demnic was an ocean planet adorned with rocky tropical islands in the Bak'rofsen system of the Auril sector, located within the Outer Rim Territories. The hostility of its native Kon'me species, together with its extremely harsh climate, discouraged most people from ever visiting the planet, despite the beauty of its giant rock cliffs, pristine beaches, and vast azure oceans. It was mostly of interest to cartographers, xenobiologists, and fisherfolk, until knowledge of the planet's rich deposits of cortosis ore fell into the hands of Sith Lords Darth Tenebrous and Darth Plagueis.
- Bal'demnic was een planeet in de Outer Rim die tijdens de Clone Wars de locatie was van de Battle of Bal'demnic. Bal'demnic was een oceaanplaneet die bezaaid was met allerlei tropisch eilanden. De planeet bezat alle ingredediënten om uit te groeien tot een toeristisch oord. Ware het niet dat de reptielachtige Kon'me die afkomstig waren van Bal'demnic daar een stokje voor staken en helemaal niet wensten toeristen te ontvangen op hun wereld.
- Bal'demnic era un planeta océanico lleno de islas rocosas tropicales del sistema Bak'rofsen en el Sector Auril, que se encontraba dentro de los Territorios del Borde Exterior. La población nativa del planeta, los Kon'me, se dividían en una estructura de castas separadas, y eran en gran parte la burla de otros mundos. Como tal, el planeta que normalmente habría sido un destino turístico para los extranjeros, se evitó por lo general. El Kon'me residía en estructuras similares a burbujas, que se se construían al lado de los acantilados del océano del planeta en las islas.
- Bal'demnic byla planeta z velké části pokrytá oceány a skalnatými ostrovy. Nácházela se v sektory Auril na Vnějším okraji. Byla domovskou planetou inteligentního, nepřátelského ještěřího druhu Kon´me, který se živil především rybolovem a lovem. Díky nepřátelství Kon´me a drsnému klimatu nebyla planeta témeř nikdy navštěvována i přes své krásné oceány a ostrovy.