If the player can only do it 5 times, return to Volten after your fame is past 143,332.'''
:Image:Enemy's Thoughts.png Image:Location of Seal.png Image:Owner's Thoughts.png Image:Person I'm Searching For.png
:Image:Lufus' Answer4.png Image:Lufus' Answer7.png Image:Lufus' Answer10.png
:Image:Lufus' Answer11.png Image:Lufus' Answer12.png
#Talk to Volten.
#He'll ask you to help him with some questions. Pick a question out of 5.
#*What will happen to the kids
#*Where is the person I am looking for
#*What are the thoughts of my enemies
#*Where is the location of the Seal
#*What is my master thinking
#Go to Land's End and find Lufus to hear the answer.
#Return to Volten to report.
#Repeat until Volten gets all the answers. Keep talking to Volten until he asks you the next question.
'''Note: The player should be able to repeat this quest up to 7 times, not only 5.