Tom's Photo Finish is a 1957 Tom and Jerry cartoon with backgrounds by Robert Gentle and layouts by Dick Bickenbach.
Tom sneaks into the kitchen to the fridge. He grabs a whole chicken and takes a couple of bites out of it before he hears George coming his way. Tom hurriedly shoves the chicken back into the refrigerator and hides. George, upon discovering the half-eaten chicken, concludes that either Tom or Spike is guilty and is determined to figure out which, even if it means X-raying them. Panicked, Tom frames Spike; he creates phony cat tracks leading from the sleeping dog to the refrigerator. As Tom moves to plant the chicken on Spike, a bright light flashes, and Jerry, holding a camera, runs off. Joan and George see the "evidence" implicating a guilty Spike and kick him out of the house for good. Spike laments that he is being framed as he watches George and Joan allowing Tom to gobble down the rem