Yondu ist ein Ravager. Er zog Peter Quill auf, nachdem er ihn von der Erde entführt hatte.
Yondu Udonta es un socio de Peter Quill.
Yondu Udonta is the leader of the Ravagers.
Yondu Udonta was a Centaurian, leader of a key faction of the Ravagers and father figure to Peter Quill. When Quill betrayed the Ravagers and stole an Orb for himself, Udonta led the hunt for his former ally. Eventually Udonta caught up with Quill but he was convinced to help in him the war against Ronan the Accuser, who was threatening to use the Orb's power to destroy Xandar, with Quill ensuring Udonta did not get the Infinity Stone at the end. Despite losing the Stone, Udonta chose not to get revenge against Quill, leading to mistrust among all of his own men.