| - "Incognito" is a short story by John Jackson Miller that appeared in Star Wars Insider 143. It featured Obi-Wan Kenobi and baby Luke Skywalker during their travel to Tatooine, tied into Miller's novel Kenobi, and was included in the paperback release of the novel.
- L'Incognito è un nemico presente in Final Fantasy V. Gli incogniti erano potenti ninja vestiti di rosso, armati di due lunghe katane: si sapeva pochissimo sul loro conto, eccetto che fossero dei veri e propri maestri nell'arte dell'illusione e del ninjutsu. Un incognito si era appostato in un forziere del tempio sull'isola, a guardia di un Sole nascente.
- Incognito is published by Marvel Comics under the Icon imprint. Current price per issue is $3.50.
- An Incognito is an enemy creature found in the Black Omen in Chrono Trigger.
- Incognito is the main antagonist of the anime Hellsing. He is a masochistic vampire from "the dark continent", a reference to Africa. Though physically androgynous, he is generally thought to be male. __TOC__
- Dry earth and little rain had withered the Grand Tree into nearly a skeleton of its former glory. Curled, parched brown grass crunched beneath our feet as we headed for the gates emblazoned with a green eight pointed star, the emblem of the Tree Gnomes. "Ready guys?" I said to Rarren and Livan. "Let's go," Rarren replied. I knocked on the oaken gates. Immediately a strange
- Incognito, to opowiadanie napisane przez Johna Jacksona Millera w 2013 roku. Ilustracje do opowiadania stworzył Chris Scalf.
- Incognito is a powerful vampire from the dark continent and is responsible for the creation of the FREAK chip that creates impure vampires. He acts as the main antagonist of the 2001 Hellsing anime series and is a deadly adversary of Alucard.
- Incognito is a Mafia-playing community forum spawned from the BrainDen Mafia-playing community during era 3. Started by Unreality and hosted on a free phpBB forum by AtFreeForum. Current address is: incognito.atfreeforum.com Status: DEAD / Domain is no longer registered
- Incognito is the 4th episode in Season 3 of Beavis and Butt-Head. It is the overall 35th episode.
- Incognito is a powerful vampire from the dark continent (Africa) and is responsible for the creation of the FREAK chip that creates impure vampires. He acts as the main antagonist of the 2001 Hellsing anime series and is a deadly adversary of Alucard.
- Incognito is a Premium Changewing that appeared in Dragons: Rise of Berk, and was rescued by Valka.
- Incognito is an enemy in Random Kingdom III. He is a blurry shade inhabiting a black tuxedo, top hat and venetian carnival mask. Incognito attacks with an ephemeral fleurett, but is also capable of casting a variety of buffing and debuffing spells, making his class most likely Red Mage.
- Incognito is a CAW wrestler currently working at the New-NAW/AWP Independent Training Facility. He is a very athletic young man who used his childhood love for comic book characters as his inspiration for his gimmick.
- Incognito – atut występujący w Call of Duty: Ghosts.
- Incognito is a command that is used to toggle on and off the display of your level. Formerly class information could be toggled with this command, as well, until this info was removed at an unknown date.
- it killed the red draco The Incognito(Draco americanus incognito.) is a mysterious Dragon species. About it, almost nothing is known. One recent sighting of this elusive Amazonian species has led to its reclassification as a dragon instead of a psuedo-dragon.
- A comic series by Ed Brubaker. In a World where superheroes are based on the pulps rather than The Golden Age of Comic Books, Zack Andersen was born on the wrong side of the law. Eventually turning state's evidence, he sells out his villainous allies and goes into witness protection. However, he's still, well, a super-criminal, so some government scientists give him a medication which he must take to nullify his superpowers. Zack gets a job in an office, and that's the end of it. Except... I mean, he's horrifically screwed up, but so are the rest of the heroes.
- Incognito formally named, Jose Treasurehawk, was a normal scallywag. Imprisoned once again. One night, before being hung the next day, he was dreaming and had a vision. The vision told very little for the jail's door fell over and it awoken him. He took a chance and escaped. Once he escaped, he immediately went into hiding. Jose snapped out of the dream after burning his other hand and stared into space. He was the chosen one. That week. He returned to Spain and climbed onto the top of the Spanish Capital Building. A crowd soon appeared and said several rude things to Jose.