Tuma ist war der letzte Anführer-Skrall und der Anführer des Stein-Stammes auf Bara Magna.
Tuma was the last member of a elite breed of the Skrall and was the harsh leader of the Rock Tribe on Bara Magna.
Tuma on tiettävästi viimeinen Skrallien johtajaluokan jäsen. Hän oli ennen Kiviheimon johtaja. Tuma hävisi kaksintaistelussa Mata Nuille ja menetti Kiviheimon johtajuuden. Niinpä hänet on nykyään karkotettu Joutomaille.
Tuma es el último de la clase líder Skrall y fue el tiránico líder de la Tribu Roca en Bara Magna.
thumbTuma wass de leider van de Rots Stam. Hij is de laatste Skrall van de leidersklasse.
Tuma was a leader-class Skrall and the leader of the Rock Tribe and the Skrall. He was later defeated by Mata Nui in one-to-one fight and was the main antagonist of the 2009 storyline. He was the last of the leader class Skrall, whose defeat caused the shattering of the Skrall empire.
If a thornraxx got shot near him, he would use his spiky man chin to block it.
Tuma to ostatni Skrall pochodzący z klasy liderów; były despotyczny przywódca Plemienia Skały.
Tuma is the former leader of the Rock Tribe and the Skrall.
*BIONICLE: Raid on Vulcanus
*BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn (kirja)
*BIONICLE: Journey's End
*BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn - Official Movie Guide
*BIONICLE: Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna