| - First into battle and last to leave, you are the spear and the shield.[MP2:157] Prerequisite: 21st level. any martial class Eternal Warrior: The long road leads to one climactic battle, one in which to settle scores and complete the mission for which you were born. You have long chased your destiny and do not feel disappointment at the road's end, but rather, you are excited that the battles you fought pointed to this final conflict. Then, after what feels like mere moments, the fight ends, and the enemy is vanquished. Before you can savor the victory, though, you realize your task is still incomplete. Battles remain to be fought, and wars remain to be won. You squeezed out of this world everything it can offer, and now you must find new realms and realities where you can test your mettle.
| - First into battle and last to leave, you are the spear and the shield.[MP2:157] Prerequisite: 21st level. any martial class Eternal Warrior: The long road leads to one climactic battle, one in which to settle scores and complete the mission for which you were born. You have long chased your destiny and do not feel disappointment at the road's end, but rather, you are excited that the battles you fought pointed to this final conflict. Then, after what feels like mere moments, the fight ends, and the enemy is vanquished. Before you can savor the victory, though, you realize your task is still incomplete. Battles remain to be fought, and wars remain to be won. You squeezed out of this world everything it can offer, and now you must find new realms and realities where you can test your mettle. Invigorating Charge (21st level): Your Strength score increases by 2. Whenever you charge and make a basic attack, that attack gains the invigorating keyword. In addition, you can take actions after a charge. Forever War (24th level): The first time each day when you drop to 0 hit points or fewer, you regain hit points equal to your bloodied value. As a free action, you then stand up, shift 2 squares, and make a charge attack. If the attack hits, you gain temporary hit points equal to your bloodied value. Unstoppable Assault (30th level): Whenever you score a critical hit against an enemy with a melee attack, bloody an enemy, or reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you can make a charge attack against a creature other than that enemy as a free action. In addition, you never provoke opportunity attacks when charging.