| - If you press select twice when Tiger Joe appears, he'll join your party. This is false - pressing select twice makes Goku join, not Tiger Joe.
- God Hand (ゴッドハンド, Goddo Hando) is a catch hissatsu used by Endou Mamoru.
- The God Hand is a unique ability used by Kun Lan in the video game killer7. "Embodying the power of the gods," Kun Lan's mere touch is capable of morphing his victims into Heaven Smile terrorists. Other times, it is shown to resurrect the dead, as with Hiroyasu Kurahashi and Shinya Akiba.
- God Hand (ゴッドハンド, Goddo Hando) is a catch hissatsu technique.
- The user's hand is imbued with the power of a god, and is thus granted incredible power by that god. For instance, if one were to have the power of Kratos, the Greek God of Strength, one might have unlimited strength through that particular hand. Or, if the user represented the Christian God, they might be Omnipotent. Regardless, their power would be channeled through that arm or hand. The power granted depends on the deity which the user represents. In God Hand, it is said that the user of the God Hand possesses the power to "become a god or a demon", a metaphor for the choice between good and evil.
- The God Hand (ゴッドハンド Goddo Hando?) is a powerful group composed of five reality warping beings, who, as their name suggests, are the servants of the Idea of Evil, whom they believe to be "God". They are in turn revered as angels and pagan gods through humanity's history. They serve as the main antagonists of the series.
- God Hand è un videogioco per PlayStation 2 creato dalla Clover Studios, in collaborazione con John Woo e Jackie Chan. Tutto nacque quando il produttore Shinji Mikami si chiese come poteva essere un gioco come Devil May Cry senza spadoni, castelli lugubri e strafighe. Il risultato fu un successo così straordinario che Mikami venne cacciato a pedate e la serie di Devil May Cry iniziò il suo lungo declino.
- God Hand (ゴッドアハンド Goddoa hando) is a Thunder Magic spell that appears exclusively in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. When cast, this spell will temporarily imbue its wielder with the powers of the god of thunder, thereafter directing a high-voltage shock of lightning towards a selected enemy unit and striking him/her.
- The game mixes western and Japanese-themed comedy, containing over-the-top characters and storyline events. The gameplay combines traditional elements of the beat 'em up genre with new features. These include being able to map and string together a large repertoire of fighting techniques to the gamepad's face buttons in order to create unique combo attacks.
- Description: Type: Accessory Class: Materials: Equip: Hand Effect: Hand gear boost chance of countering, Defense +30, Strength +10, Skill +10 Gain in: Treasure Hunting with Rene. Price: 40,000 potch
- Development was supervised by former Capcom member Shinji Mikami, best known for the Resident Evil and Devil May Cry series. It was released in Japan on September 14th 2006, on October 10th 2006 in North America and on 17th February 2007 in Europe. It was re-released for the PlayStation 3 as a downloadable title on the PlayStation Network on October 4, 2011. God Hand was also the last game developed by Clover Studio.
- The God's Hand ist ein Bund aus fünf scheinbar allmächtigen Dämonen, zu denen auch Griffith gehört. Sie dienen Gott und stellen Guts natürliche Feinde dar. Alle Mitglieder waren eins Menschen, die durch das Benutzen eines magischen Anhängers und dem erbringen eines Opfers (was auch immer ihnen am meisten am Herzen liegt muss geopfert werden) zu dämonischen Wesen wurden.
- God Hand (ゴッドハンド, "Bàn Tay Thượng Đế") là kỹ năng bắt bóng trong thế giới Inazuma Eleven và Inazuma Eleven GO.
- The God Hand are the main antagonists of the manga and anime Berserk and are a powerful group of five reality-warping angels (or demons), each corresponding to a finger or thumb, directly below the Idea of Evil in power and authority. All of them were originally humans who were chosen by the Idea of Evil to serve its purpose of giving reason for humanity's suffering. They each possessed and used a behelit only Griffith used the Behelit (The Egg of the King) in order to transcend their humanity. It is unknown whether there are five Crimson Behelits or whether the same one came to each of them in turn.
- Many years ago, the Demon King Angra sought to conquer the world, gathering to him a massive army of demons. But then a hero emerged, possessing the power of God in his arms, and wiped the army out before facing and overthrowing Angra himself. The people named him the God Hand, and when he finally died, one clan devoted itself to watching over the God Hands, and the power within them. Those with that power can be either god or demon... ...and yes, by "watch over the God Hands", we mean watch over the man's severed arms. It's that sort of game.
- God Hand: Twelve Labors (十二の試練ゴッド・ハンド, Jūni no ShirenGoddo hando?) is a "hidden ability" possessed by Heracles, a continuously-active-type Noble Phantasm that grants him a "body that knows no death." It is a blessing of the gods representing immortality, as well as being a curse, that was granted to him for completing his Twelve Labors in life. It is the ability that required attacks of the highest grade to harm him and prevented him from even being scratched by anyone during the Age of Gods, described as "nearly foul play" even by acquaintances at the time. It lacks an overt external manifestation such as a weapon or armor, but, in attributing a shape to it, can be said to be the body of the user itself. It transforms the body into a tough suit of armor that acts similar to a conceptual w