| - Isabella:Watcha doin? Phineas:Creating life! Isabella:Isn`t that,Uh,against the laws of nature? Phineas:Not really,were just mixing a variety of DNA strands into this chicken egg to grow a new pet.Cause you know,Perry`s gone all the time.But of course,we could never replace Perry Ferb:Nor would we want to. Phineas:Right! But it might be fun for the times Perry`s gone.It`s already starting to... Isabella:Aww,It`s so cute!What are you gonna call him? Phineas and Ferb:Barry! After that Candace was spying on them. Candace:Well,well,well.Looks like It`s busting time!♫Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorperated♫
| - Isabella:Watcha doin? Phineas:Creating life! Isabella:Isn`t that,Uh,against the laws of nature? Phineas:Not really,were just mixing a variety of DNA strands into this chicken egg to grow a new pet.Cause you know,Perry`s gone all the time.But of course,we could never replace Perry Ferb:Nor would we want to. Phineas:Right! But it might be fun for the times Perry`s gone.It`s already starting to... Isabella:Aww,It`s so cute!What are you gonna call him? Phineas and Ferb:Barry! After that Candace was spying on them. Candace:Well,well,well.Looks like It`s busting time!♫Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorperated♫
Doofenshmirtz:Behold!My Evil-Inator! It makes anything evil that it--- And Perry broke the machine. Doofenshmirtz:Hey!You didn`t even wait for my tragic backstory-slash-evil monologue!Oh I got ripped off. Candace:Hey you guys better head inside.I saw...Uh...Baljeet and Buford doing a foxtrot. Phineas:Cool! Candace:Come with me,my cute little evidence! It`s busting time! Candace:Mom! (She went to the kitchen )Candace:Mom! (She went to her parents` room)Candace:Mom!Where are you!This little thing is getting..... ...Heavy AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They`ve created a monster!And not just metaphorically! I`ve got to get it to mom! (She`s keep running and Barry grew wings)Forget it!No bust is worth this! Get it away! Get it away from me! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Phineas:There`s nothing there,Candace,and no foxtrotting friends in the house either,by the way. Candace:It was your pet thingee.I--I had it..And then,all of a suuden-- RAAAAHR! FIIISSSSS! GROOAR! And it followed it..and then it was gone! Phineas:Oh,good!We were gonna set it free too.It didn`t seem right to keep it cooped up as a pet. Candace:But but but... Phineas:It`s okay Candace,really.We have Perry. Candace:But but but... Phineas:Oh,there you are,Perry Candace:I hate my life.