The Shadow Shoes is a Rank 3 Boots. ===Statistics===__NOEDITSECTION__ Sold in: NPC Price: 295,000 Stats:
* P. Def: 37
* M. Def: 37
* Mov. Spd: 10
* Weight: 28 ===Upgrade Cost===__NOEDITSECTION__ See Boots Upgrade Costs. The total cost for upgrading this item to Lv10 is 1,512,000 Rupees.
The Shadow Shoes is a Rank 3 Boots. ===Statistics===__NOEDITSECTION__ Sold in: NPC Price: 295,000 Stats:
* P. Def: 37
* M. Def: 37
* Mov. Spd: 10
* Weight: 28 ===Upgrade Cost===__NOEDITSECTION__ See Boots Upgrade Costs. The total cost for upgrading this item to Lv10 is 1,512,000 Rupees.