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- Dancers are musical performers that enact spells through timed movements of the body. They can partner up with Bards to perform powerful spells. The Dancer job class is only available for Ragnarok Online.
- Dancer is a character from the Ghostbusters Role-Playing Game adventure ApoKERMIS Now!
- Many a legend’s great lover has had his passion attributed to being born under this sign, including Kahsonnava of Praag, Rah’mao of Tilea, and even Donavan Juaran of Estalia. Characters born under this sign are passionate, often pursuing a lead or examining a situation to the point of obsession. They take scorn very poorly and will almost always challenge to a duel someone who has offended them or their fair partner.[1a]
- The Dancer is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. This class utilizes Disco Balls as a weapon, but strangely its orientation is melee.
- hey when will step up 7. how old were you when you started dancing Sean.I like to watch you, you are the best.write back please my name is Michael
- Dancer is a male Dancer who appeared in "Mutiny".
- He is voiced by David DeLuise
- The Dancer discipline is one of the many weapon sets available for custom characters and NPCs in Chronicles of the Sword mode in Soul Calibur III. Soul of Xianghua and Soul of Voldo are available only to Dancers. "A beautiful and graceful charmer who enchants the hearts of all. A body lithe from adventure and training will turn even the battleground into a stage." Players must be wary of this style due to the low vitality of this graceful entertainer. Powerful styles such as the Samurai and Barbarian can devastate the Dancer's health.
- Dancer is a set of loose, flowing clothes and accessories. The tops can be worn without sleeves. The set was expanded with more top colours in October 2008.
- Dancer is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is $3.50.
- Dancer (踊り子(ダンサー) Dansā) is a Caster Magic that utilizes the power of dance.
- Dancer es una cancion de Gino Soccio que se puede escuchar en la emisora K109 The Studio de GTA IV.
- Dancer is the pony of Bran Stark. She is specially trained to allow Bran to ride despite being unable to move his legs.
- Tap/drag further than 1.5 tiles from him/her to use this attack.
* Base damage: 200
* Range: 2 tiles
* Reload time: 0.7 seconds
* Pierce: Unlimited; like El Primo
- Dancer is a Trainer Class introduced in and currently exclusive to Generation V. Dancers are young men with a dark complexion and braided hair wearing a green t-shirt with a hoodie wrapped around his waist, along with a pair of white pants with a light green stripe running down the side. Dancers' sprite show them breakdancing. Thus far, all Dancers have had only one species of Pokémon on their team; however, they use a wide variety of types of Pokémon. Most of the Dancers are found in Castelia City, where the player has to find and defeat all 3 Dancers for an Amulet Coin.
- Amy practices two different styles of martial arts: fight and dance. One is a pure fighting form while the other aims to raise the spirits of comrades. Both fighting styles rely on fast movements and her whirling chakrani. Her dance mode is based on boosting the morale of her comrades. With her dances she calls down magical powers to increase the strength and health of her compatriots. Despite her dancing and sweet demeanor, she'll crush anyone who gets in the way of her goal.
- Dancer is a vocational class Dragon Quest game series. The dancer has good style and Speed and can learn several different kinds of dances. When a party member becomes a dancer, they are more likely to avoid attacks.
- Dancer is one of Santa Claus's reindeer, originally named in the poem The Night Before Christmas.
- Dancer is one of the 9 reindeer, owned by Santa Claus.
- Dancer was the chief adviser to Emperor Kellanved, founder of the Malazan Empire. At the start of the Malazan series, it was known that Kellanved and Dancer had been assassinated by Imperial Regent Laseen, who then took her place on the throne. Spoiler Alert Stop here if you do not want to learn the true identity/alias of Dancer before it is disclosed in the story. Do not hover over the following link to avoid mouseover spoiler. If you wish to proceed to the character's page, click here.
- This sword can be found in the Nekker cave while escorting Brigida during Crown Witness. It is added in the Enhanced Edition update. Along with Forgotten vran sword, Caerme, and Mourner, it is one of the best steel swords in the game. It is only accessible in chapter 3.
- Dancer is one of the many role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.
- Nearly every culture in Middle-Earth had it´s own dances, the hobbits for example danced the Jig , Swirl-dance and the Springle-ring, the Beornings danced the Dance of Sun Return, the Maiden Toss and the Joy Dance or the ritual Blossom Dance, Honeydance, Dance of the Gift and Dance of the Living.Among Elves Dancing was an art of the highest skill that appeared as a kind of Magic to mortal Eyes.
- Dancer ist ein Mensch des 17. Jahrhunderts und gehört zur Mannschaft von Captain Henry Avery. Er verletzte sich und wurde von der Sirene auf ihr Raumschiff in die medizinische Abteilung gebracht, wo sie sich um ihn kümmerte. Captain Avery bleibt bei seinem Sohn und seiner Crew und so segelt Dancer fortan mit seinem Captain durch das Weltall.Kategorie:Doctor Who PersonenKategorie:Menschen (17. Jahrhundert)Kategorie:Kriminelle
- Akin to Troubadours in the first two games, Dancers can wield swords and bows, have a relatively even stat spread, and support the party with buffs and healing through their Tango and Waltz skills. Unlike Troubadours, their buffs apply to themselves but will constantly check the line they are on, allowing a Dancer to shift back and forth between the rows to lend their aid to whoever needs it on demand. Offensively, they specialize in making many normal attacks at once through the use of their Samba skills and Sword Dance allowing them to abuse additional effects granted by a weapon's forge effect. They are also the only class to affect the Burst Gauge, with their Dance Mastery speeding up the rate at which the Burst Gauge fills and Burst Saver allowing them to retain some of the Burst Gaug
- A Dancer é uma estranha visão em um campo de batalha. Vestida com roupas atraentes e se movendo com uma graça sensual, elas parecem não pertencer àquele local, quase como se uma pessoa rica, mas simples tivesse caído sem querer ali no meio. Então elas começam a se mover, realizando passos misticamente coreografados. De repenteo inimigo se encontra entretido, como se os movimentos hipnóticos drenassem sua força e vontade de lutar. Alguns inimigos até se descobrem caídos completamente pela(o) Dancer, fazendo qualquer coisa que puderem para protegê-la(lo), mesmo que isso signifique se tornar um aliado! Até mesmo monstros, seres mágicos e outras criaturas não-humanas que não são imunes a estes encantos mágicos.
- The Dancer (踊り子 Odoriko) is a support class that appears recurrently across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Mystery of the Emblem. A female-exclusive class, the Dancer possesses the unique ability to utilize the Dance command on an allied unit and grant them an extra turn within the same player phase. In titles where they wield Swords for self-defense, Dancers are not known for their combat prowess, and are instead primarily used for their ability to Dance. Dancers are typically player-exclusive, only being encountered as enemy units in various chapters of Thracia 776 or when fighting another player's team in Awakening.
- Notavelmente mais coloridos e feminina na aparência do que os outros Nobodies, Dancer desgaste rosa saco calças com um branco Nobody símbolo impresso em uma perna. Eles também têm chapéus-de-rosa do beanie-como aquela capa onde seus olhos seriam, com um crescimento de longo, rosa, trança, como brotação sob as tampas. Dancers também parecem usar botas escuras, adornadas com dedos que apontam a ângulos de direito, bem como pulseiras escuras em cada pulso, ambos com um pequeno pico neles. Eles também têm armadura escura, assemelhando-se a parte superior do Nobody símbolo, que cobrem seus peitos. Esta armadura é usada um tanto como um vestido halter top, como ele expõe os ombros dos Dancers' e termina em uma coleira. Suas mãos são lâminas e suas bocas parecem ter sido cosido em um sorriso perm
- Dancer job abilities are divided into five categories: Sambas, Waltzes, Jigs, Steps, and Flourishes. Each of the dances within these categories is acquired at a different level, and requires a certain amount of TP to use (with the exception of Flourishes and Jigs). Each category has its own recast time, and using a dance will prevent the use of other dances within the same category until the recast time has expired. In addition, the effect of a Samba dance will be overwritten by other dances within the Samba category, regardless of the remaining duration.
- Dancers inspire their audience members. When players watch a dancer perform, they will automatically receive an inspiration buff at the end of the performance. This will grant them a 10% bonus to combat experience, faction points, and crafting success. All Entertainers have this ability, but can apply it more quickly with more skill. Dancers gain experience and skill by dancing and inspiring others when others watch. Master Dancers gain all dances except for Formal2 and Footloose2, which are granted at Master Entertainer.