| - The Designated Bastard is a very common character type found in badfic. While there are many personal agendas that a Designated Bastard may pursue, all of them have to do with being unreasonably harsh on the Sue/Stu, other bashed canons, or anything the Suethor wishes to give a hard time. Oddly, the opposite is also true: the Sue/Stu may get a kick out of converting and then romancing an uncanonically-defiant, desirable canon character. The Designated Bastard's opposite number is the Designated Sycophant.
- The Designated Bastard is a very common character type found in poor quality fanfiction. While there are many personal agendas that a Designated Bastard may pursue, all of them have to do with being unreasonably harsh on the Sue/Stu, other bashed canons, or anything the Suethor wishes to give a hard time. Designated Bastards are often Character Replacements.
| - The Designated Bastard is a very common character type found in poor quality fanfiction. While there are many personal agendas that a Designated Bastard may pursue, all of them have to do with being unreasonably harsh on the Sue/Stu, other bashed canons, or anything the Suethor wishes to give a hard time. Designated Bastards are inadequate because they do not display good characterization: they oppose the Sue/Stu not for any real reason, but for an artificial, contrived one or for no reason at all. They foster an environment where individuals that oppose the Sue/Stu are made to see the 'error' of their ways, or are punished accordingly. This is a shocking attitude, can be considered tyrannical, and betrays the canon-warping control a Sue/Stu has over their home fic. This is doubly horrifying when a canon character is possessed to comply, and become this archetype. Both canon characters and original characters can be portrayed as Designated Bastards. Original character Bastards often are wholly created to oppose the Sue/Stu and may not have any other traits. They are often cast as new antagonists. Canon character Bastards are usually characters the Sue/Stu dislikes, and their characterization is usually hijacked, promoting that if the Sue/Stu doesn't like them, nobody else should like them either. Oddly, the opposite is also true: the Sue/Stu may get a kick out of converting and then romancing an uncanonically-defiant, desirable canon character. Designated Bastards are often Character Replacements.
- The Designated Bastard is a very common character type found in badfic. While there are many personal agendas that a Designated Bastard may pursue, all of them have to do with being unreasonably harsh on the Sue/Stu, other bashed canons, or anything the Suethor wishes to give a hard time. Designated Bastards are bad because they do not display good characterization: they oppose the Sue/Stu not for any real reason, but for an artificial, contrived one or for no reason at all. They foster an environment where individuals that oppose the Sue/Stu are made to see the 'error' of their ways, or are punished accordingly. This is a shocking attitude, can be considered tyrannical, and betrays the canon-warping control a Sue/Stu has over their home fic. This is doubly horrifying when a canon character is possessed to comply, and become this archetype. Both canon characters and original characters can be portrayed as Designated Bastards. Original character Bastards often are wholly created to oppose the Sue/Stu and may not have any other traits. They are often cast as new antagonists. Canon character Bastards are usually characters the Sue/Stu dislikes, and their characterization is usually hijacked, promoting that if the Sue/Stu doesn't like them, nobody else should like them either. Oddly, the opposite is also true: the Sue/Stu may get a kick out of converting and then romancing an uncanonically-defiant, desirable canon character. Designated Bastards appearing in a fic is a charge, and is different from a charge for simple OOCness. Designated Bastards are often character replacements or possessed. Characters with OOC Resistance are turned into Designated Bastards and replaced/possessed with alarming frequency because Sues and Stus don't often like them. Characters with OOC Immunity cannot be Designated Bastards: they are always replacements. The Designated Bastard's opposite number is the Designated Sycophant.