| - This crewman served aboard the Enterprise for over a decade, serving under both Captain's Pike and Kirk. He was present on the bridge when the Enterprise picked up the fake distress signal in 2254, where he sat at the science station, and again when Talosians took over control of the vessel. (TOS: "The Cage" , "The Menagerie, Part I" , "The Menagerie, Part II" ) Played by an unknown actor.
| - This crewman served aboard the Enterprise for over a decade, serving under both Captain's Pike and Kirk. He was present on the bridge when the Enterprise picked up the fake distress signal in 2254, where he sat at the science station, and again when Talosians took over control of the vessel. (TOS: "The Cage" , "The Menagerie, Part I" , "The Menagerie, Part II" ) He was later present on the bridge when Lee Kelso contacted Kirk in the briefing lounge in 2265. A short time later, he departed the bridge after Kirk, Spock and Mitchell entered from the turbolift, following the discovery of the disaster recorder from the SS Valiant. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) Played by an unknown actor.