| - Razordons are a species of thorny predatory reptiles whose whole body is covered with an array large, barded spines — hardened spikes made of bone that project menacingly out of their bodies. As a defensive protection, this razor-sharp body armour serves to deter all but the most determined of creatures, and even the most monstrous of Lustria’s many apex predators will think twice before attacking a Razordon. The Razordon’s spines are not only a deterrent, however, they are also a deadly offensive weapon. By way of powerful muscle spasms, Razordons can discharge their spines, shooting them outwards in a deadly hail.[1a]
| - Razordons are a species of thorny predatory reptiles whose whole body is covered with an array large, barded spines — hardened spikes made of bone that project menacingly out of their bodies. As a defensive protection, this razor-sharp body armour serves to deter all but the most determined of creatures, and even the most monstrous of Lustria’s many apex predators will think twice before attacking a Razordon. The Razordon’s spines are not only a deterrent, however, they are also a deadly offensive weapon. By way of powerful muscle spasms, Razordons can discharge their spines, shooting them outwards in a deadly hail.[1a] Razordons are most commonly found in swampy regions or tidal basins, and more of their number are concentrated around the Amaxon Basin than anywhere else in Lustria. There, in the overgrown backwaters, the favoured prey of Razordons can be found in great profusion. Razordons feed on any of the enormous winged insects that plague the moist swampy air in droning clouds so dense that they blot out the noonday sun.[1a] Without wings, it is not easy to hunt such quick-flying quarry, but the Razordon has developed its own unique way. It first slinks within range by crouching low and advancing through the high rushes, or by submerging itself in the water so that only its eyes and nostrils poke above the floating algae of the foetid marshes. When a good-sized insect drones by, the Razordon will fire volleys of its spikes into the air, hoping to impale and bring down its prey. Even clipping its target is enough to bring it near the ground, where the Razordon’s long claws and ragged, sharp teeth are more than enough to finish off any insect, no matter how large. While any of the plethora of insect types will do, all Razordons consider the horse-sized stegawasps or blooddraining sabreflies special delicacies.[1a]