| - The Cooper is a torpedo boat, not a submarine. This means it cannot submerge and is always vulnerable to all air-to-ground weapons as well as naval surface weapons. On the other hand, it's very small (roughly the same size as, or smaller than, T1 ships) and very fast, which enhance it's survivability, as it can outrun larger ships and evade their projectiles if it's lucky. However, its inability to submerge is a massive disadvantage compared to its rivals, the Barracuda and the Vesper, making the Cooper a poor choice for engaging any unit other than a submarine. The Cooper has two big advantages over the others to make up for this. First is its reduced cost and construction time, allowing you to deploy more of them. Second is that its anti-torpedo weapon fires very, very fast compared to t
| - The Cooper is a torpedo boat, not a submarine. This means it cannot submerge and is always vulnerable to all air-to-ground weapons as well as naval surface weapons. On the other hand, it's very small (roughly the same size as, or smaller than, T1 ships) and very fast, which enhance it's survivability, as it can outrun larger ships and evade their projectiles if it's lucky. However, its inability to submerge is a massive disadvantage compared to its rivals, the Barracuda and the Vesper, making the Cooper a poor choice for engaging any unit other than a submarine. The Cooper has two big advantages over the others to make up for this. First is its reduced cost and construction time, allowing you to deploy more of them. Second is that its anti-torpedo weapon fires very, very fast compared to the other factions' options, and the large screen of anti torpedoes makes it overall superior. With HP far higher than the Barracuda, DPS greater than the Vesper, and a very effective anti-torpedo system it does sterling service as a counter for these units in particular. Its only other real drawback in encounters with Submarine Hunters is its slightly lower speed, but that is trivial. The real downside is that it is a boat, not a sub, and if the enemy is using air units, your entire sub defence disappears. The only way to counter this glaring defect is to escort it with anti-air units like frigates or, even better, a cruiser with its stupendous sonar as well. The cruiser and the sub hunter are a match made in heaven, really; they complement each other's defects perfectly.