| - Shadow (シャドウ『クライド』 Shadou) is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. He is a ninja assassin, a relatively emotionanless loner who's only companion is his dog, Interceptor. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
- Shadow es un personaje jugable en Final Fantasy VI, aparte es un misterioso ninja que viaja por el mundo, uniéndose a los demás en algunas ocasiones. Siempre viaja junto a su fiel perro Interceptor. Es muy huraño y esquivo, además guarda un terrible pasado.
- thumb|Shadow Yoshitaka Amanon piirtämänä. Shadow on yksi Final Fantasy VI:n pelattavista hahmoista. Hän on erakonlailla elävä salamurhaaja ja palkkasotilas, jonka ainoana ystävänä on hänen koiransa nimeltä Interceptor. Edgarin sanojen mukaan Shadow on henkilö, joka voisi tappaa jopa ystävänsä, kunhan hinta on tarpeeksi korkea. Hän kulkee oman tahtonsa mukaan, ja pelaaja oppiikin tuntemaan hänet hahmona, joka voi lähteä hänen ryhmästään koska tahansa, ilman pienintäkään varoitusta.
- Shadow wears classic black ninja attire. He wears his hood up and dons a mask, preventing any of his physical characteristics from being shown. In the flashbacks he is seen as sandy-haired, wearing a brown scarf and cloak over black clothes.
- As a party member, Shadow is an Assassin. His main ability is Throw, which allows him to throw weapons. This can be used to throw weapons no longer required, but is primarily used to throw specific offensive throwing items (either shurikens for pure physical damage or scrolls for elemental damage) to deal heavy damage. Due to being relatively affordable, Shadow later on can purchase 99 Fuma Shurikens and forego physical attacks. His stats are average all around, but his Speed and Strength are particularly high. Shadow's dog Interceptor also joins the fray randomly, intercepting attacks on the party and retaliating with Wild Fang, a powerful physical attack on one target.