| - Chester eh Arthur was the 21st President of the United States of America. He did nothing. Arthur was the son of Irish-born preacher William Arthur and Vermont-born Malvina Stone Arthur. Most official references list him as having been born in Fairfield in Franklin County, Vermont on October 5, 1829. But Arthur sometimes claimed to have born in 1830. His father had initially migrated to Canada, where he and his wife at one point owned a farm about 80 miles north of America. This makes Arthur the least American President in history, with JFK coming a close second. There has long been speculation that Arthur was actually born in Canada and that the family moved to Fairfield later! Given a lack of official documentation and the seeming confusion about the year of Arthur's birth, historians have been unable to rule this possibility out. Arthur claimed to be a Republican, but everyone knows that Republicans are go-getters who get things done. As Arthur accomplished nothing, he was clearly just a RINO putting up a front to disguise his shameful Democrat allegiances. Let's face it, he's fucking retarded. Image:CanadianFlag.jpg Image:MugDarkBeer.png Chester Arthuris too Canadian, speak American, eh. Image:DrunkOnCan.jpg Image:IrishBeer.jpg Chester Arthuris too drunk to drive itself home...must be Irish.