| - The Fission Clone Technique is a jutsu derived from basic fission, this allows the user to create clones directly from fission itself, creating a new type of clone. Unlike basic fission, where chakra is literally halved each time the user divide, this clone fission technique allows the user to decide and then divide and determine how much chakra they want to give to the copy of them, which is usually less than half. This technique takes the appearance of regular fission when Kakezan uses it, as it is somewhat the same, but the result is different.
| - The Fission Clone Technique is a jutsu derived from basic fission, this allows the user to create clones directly from fission itself, creating a new type of clone. Unlike basic fission, where chakra is literally halved each time the user divide, this clone fission technique allows the user to decide and then divide and determine how much chakra they want to give to the copy of them, which is usually less than half. This technique takes the appearance of regular fission when Kakezan uses it, as it is somewhat the same, but the result is different. These clones, since created by fission, can only be killed by fatal strikes, as they are real copies of the user, and not Shadow Clones. These clones are identical to Kakezan, and indistinguishable by normal means, except by master sensors. Usually, he doesn't give them much chakra, leaving them only capable of 1-2 ninjutsu before being absolutely chakraless, unless Kakezan decides to give them more. If these clones are killed by fatal strikes, Kakezan loses that chakra for the duration of a battle. However, it should be noted, that even without chakra, they can still perform basic taijutsu.