| - Quel'Serrar itself is not a drop like many other items, but a quest. The quest, though, starts by using an item that drops from Dire Maul bosses, [Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying]. The droprate is so extremely low that it is considered impossible to farm for it. Since this book does not bind, it can be found in the Auction House. Proceed to the Dire Maul library once more, and hand in the quest. The reward is [Quel'Serrar].
| - Quel'Serrar itself is not a drop like many other items, but a quest. The quest, though, starts by using an item that drops from Dire Maul bosses, [Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying]. The droprate is so extremely low that it is considered impossible to farm for it. Since this book does not bind, it can be found in the Auction House. When you get the [Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying], you start the quest by handing in the book to Lorekeeper Lydros in the library of Dire Maul. He gives you an item, [Unfired Ancient Blade]. The quest requires you to take this blade to Onyxia's Lair, and place it on the ground where it needs to be hit by one of Onyxia's AoE fire breath. Once hit the blade will turn into a [Heated Ancient Blade], which you can then pick up, and use it to stab Onyxia's dead body once you slay her. This will transform the sword again, giving you a [Treated Ancient Blade]. Proceed to the Dire Maul library once more, and hand in the quest. The reward is [Quel'Serrar].