| - Born in Callander, Scotland, Destro’s full name is James McCullen Destro XXIV, and he is Laird of Castle Destro in the Scottish Highlands. The Destro clan designed and sold weapons for centuries, and Destro is the head of their current incarnation: M.A.R.S. He wears a mask forged from Beryllium Steel, a tradition dating back to the English Civil War, when an ancestor of his tried to intervene in a war between the English and the Scots. Forced to wear a steel mask for his meddling (neither side wanted to execute the ancestor because they still wanted the weapons he sold), the Destro clan has since turned it into a symbol of pride, passing it down from father to son for over 20 generations.
| - Born in Callander, Scotland, Destro’s full name is James McCullen Destro XXIV, and he is Laird of Castle Destro in the Scottish Highlands. The Destro clan designed and sold weapons for centuries, and Destro is the head of their current incarnation: M.A.R.S. He wears a mask forged from Beryllium Steel, a tradition dating back to the English Civil War, when an ancestor of his tried to intervene in a war between the English and the Scots. Forced to wear a steel mask for his meddling (neither side wanted to execute the ancestor because they still wanted the weapons he sold), the Destro clan has since turned it into a symbol of pride, passing it down from father to son for over 20 generations. Destro’s key characteristics are his sense of honor, his calm demeanor, and love for COBRA’s primary intelligence officer, the Duchess (although sadly for him, she does not return his love). As a businessman, Destro has rejected the warlike interests of his ancestors, becoming a millionaire philanthropist for a host of good causes. He uses his army of volunteers, the Iron Grenadiers, as a peacekeeping force to end conflict in dangerous regions, and works personally with both sides of any conflict in an attempt to find non-violent solutions. Ending a tradition started by the first masked Destro, he refuses to sell weaponised technology to anyone, and instead assists peace organizations like Cobra in other ways, including finances and manpower.