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- Uriel is a mercenary who appears in mission 06-1 of Armored Core: Verdict Day.
- Uriel is a character featured in Might & Magic: Heroes VI.
- Uriel war ein Engel und der jüngere Bruder von Lucifer und Amenadiel.
- Uriel es un niño que vive en isla Verano. Hoo y Niebla lo conocen cuando le roban a Shelli. Es bastante optimista, lo que hace que tenga muchos problemas despues. Acompaña a los chicos en su viaje para llegar a isla Azur.
- Uriel (אוּרִיאֵל "El/God is my light]", Auriel/Oriel (God is my light) Standard Hebrew Uriʾel, Tiberian Hebrew ʾÛrîʾēl) is one of the archangels of post-Exilic Rabbinic tradition, and also of certain Christian traditions. His name may have analogies with Uriah. In apocryphal, kabbalistic and occult works Uriel has been equated or confused with Nuriel, Uryan, Jeremiel, Vretil, Sariel, Suriel, Puruel, Phanuel, Jehoel, Jacob, Ezrail/Azrael and Israfil/Raphael.
- Uriel (ウリエル?) is a demon in the series.
- Uriel is a Fugot and the Black Darkness Ranger of Power Rangers Rescue Flame.
- Uriel was the archangel of the north. Invoking Uriel's name was required as part of the ritual used to invoke the power of the alicorn at the Temple of Purity in Greece.
- Uriel was an angel who once served under Anna Milton and Castiel in their garrison. He was described by Castiel as what humans might call "a specialist". It is eventually revealed that Uriel was a double agent and a follower of Lucifer. He was subsequently killed by Anna using his own blade.
- Er ist nicht gefallen, jedoch hat er sich selbst diese Last als Hadeswächter auferlegt, aus ihm bekannten Gründen. Er wacht auch über Charon, den nur was er als richtig empfindet, kann Charon auch ausüben, sofern es sich um die Seelen der Toten handelt.
- Uriel, (ウリエル, Uriel) is one of the legendary archangels of Ninja World who traveled at Earth. He is widely known as Flame Archangel (炎の大天使, Honoo no Daitenshi). He is marked as Highest Legendary Being because of his super rarity.
- Uriel (ユリエル, Yurieru lit. Flame/Light of God) is a young looking girl who is over a century old and hailing from an unknown race. Through some events became the adoptive child of Raya because of his resemblance to her real father.
- He confronted Lucreto after the chief Archon betrayed the acolytes and tried to take the power of the Mask for himself. However Uriel failed and Lucreto turned him and the other acolytes to stone. Lucreto could yet hear his thoughts as they continued on in the hopes that the Champion Eternal would show up to save them. Lucreto mocked Uriel saying that all of his hopes would fail as he controlled the power of the mask. He appeared to Connor in spirit several times giving him advice and passing on more of the prophecy. Though Lucreto could do little about it, he was quite angry at Uriel's interference.
- Uriel, also called Yeltsin VI, was the sixth planet of the Yeltsin's Star System. A gas giant larger than the Sol System's Jupiter, it lay fifty-one light minutes from its sun and had at least one moon, Blackbird. It had a hyper limit of almost five light minutes--half as deep as an M9. (HH2)
- Species: Gargoyle A warrior in the Arena Eternal. For untold eons, Mankind has known and feared Uriel's diabolical kind. The aura of evil and death hanging around this gladiator is enough to send a chill down the spine of any opponent.
- When Vulcan escaped his captivity, Uriel was created, an orange and golden corvid, being a predator of the hawk makes sense for him to be one.
- Uriel, the Watchman, is an Archangel. He first appears in Small Favor.
- Uriel ist der einzige weibliche Erzengel. Sie erreichte die Welt zusammen mit Michael und vielen anderen Engeln mit dem Himmelswagen, den Innos im Sommer 2013 auf die Welt schickte. Uriel zeichnete sich vor allem bei den Schlachten in den Pyrenäen aus, wo die Engel den militärischen Nachschub der Schwarzen Hand aus Spanien aufhielten.
- File:Quake3.png Uriel is an Arena Lord and a playable character in Quake 3 single player. He is a so called "Angel of Death" and a descendant of the creators of the arena eternal. Uriel welcomes you at the end of Tier 5, The Fatal Instinct.
- Les colons qui furent coincés ici suite à l’échec de la terraformation de Uriel furent forcés de vivre en sous-sol, à cause des terribles conditions en surface. La température étant légèrement plus chaude près du noyau, les familles passèrent des décennies à se tailler une maigre place dans des grottes sombres et denses. La bataille pour les ressources engendra des luttes internes significatives durant les premières années, résultant en une société construite sur de forts liens familiaux, délimités clairement par le terrier dans lequel on se trouve. L’une des familles des cavernes, connue sous le nom des Echo, conféra la survie de leur groupe à la force de leur foi. Le nom de la planète viendrait soi disant d’un des dictons qu’ils répétèrent souvent : « Dans les ténèbres des tunnels, Dieu