A reger is a term for a micro brew brewmaster or one who brews beer in small batches for highly alcoholic drinks. The term reger originated with a famous Southern California brewmaster named Reger who's Barley Legal beer is widely known.
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| - Reger era un cittadino di Beta III al tempo in cui la USS Enterprise visitò il pianeta nel 2267. Faceva parte di una resistenza organizzata in gruppi di tre; Tamar era il suo contatto, mentre non sapeva chi fosse l'altro membro della cellula. Fornì un rifugio alla squadra di sbarco quando cercarono di sfuggire alla follia del Festival, e poi li condusse in un nascondiglio sicuro. Dopo che Landru scoprì e rapì la squadra di sbarco, Reger riuscì a fuggire via; in qualche modo, era immune all'assorbimento. Sebbene facesse parte della resistenza, quando si trovò di fronte la possibilità reale di metter fine al dominio di Landru, fece marcia indietro e cercò di tradire la squadra di sbarco denunciandola ai legislatori. (TOS: "Il ritorno degli Arconti")
- A reger is a term for a micro brew brewmaster or one who brews beer in small batches for highly alcoholic drinks. The term reger originated with a famous Southern California brewmaster named Reger who's Barley Legal beer is widely known.
- thumb| Reger (2267) Reger ist ein Bewohner des Planeten Beta III. Er ist Mitglied der von Landru beherrschten "Gesellschaft" auf diesem Planeten. Im Gegensatz zu Hacom ist er allerdings kein Anhänger von Landrus Politik und leitet, zusammen mit Marplon und Tamar, die Untergrundbewegung. Im Jahr 2267 unterstützt er Captain Kirk, die Herrschaft von Landru zu beenden.(TOS: ) Reger wurde von Harry Townes gespielt und von Niels Clausnitzer synchronisiert.
- Reger was a male inhabitant of Beta III in the 23rd century. He was the father of Tula. He was part of a resistance that was organized in threes; Tamar was his contact, and he did not know who the other member of the cell was. According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 211) , Reger owned an inn, and it was there that he met the landing party from the Enterprise.
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| - Reger era un cittadino di Beta III al tempo in cui la USS Enterprise visitò il pianeta nel 2267. Faceva parte di una resistenza organizzata in gruppi di tre; Tamar era il suo contatto, mentre non sapeva chi fosse l'altro membro della cellula. Fornì un rifugio alla squadra di sbarco quando cercarono di sfuggire alla follia del Festival, e poi li condusse in un nascondiglio sicuro. Dopo che Landru scoprì e rapì la squadra di sbarco, Reger riuscì a fuggire via; in qualche modo, era immune all'assorbimento. Sebbene facesse parte della resistenza, quando si trovò di fronte la possibilità reale di metter fine al dominio di Landru, fece marcia indietro e cercò di tradire la squadra di sbarco denunciandola ai legislatori. (TOS: "Il ritorno degli Arconti")
- A reger is a term for a micro brew brewmaster or one who brews beer in small batches for highly alcoholic drinks. The term reger originated with a famous Southern California brewmaster named Reger who's Barley Legal beer is widely known.
- thumb| Reger (2267) Reger ist ein Bewohner des Planeten Beta III. Er ist Mitglied der von Landru beherrschten "Gesellschaft" auf diesem Planeten. Im Gegensatz zu Hacom ist er allerdings kein Anhänger von Landrus Politik und leitet, zusammen mit Marplon und Tamar, die Untergrundbewegung. Im Jahr 2267 unterstützt er Captain Kirk, die Herrschaft von Landru zu beenden.(TOS: ) Reger wurde von Harry Townes gespielt und von Niels Clausnitzer synchronisiert.
- Reger was a male inhabitant of Beta III in the 23rd century. He was the father of Tula. He was part of a resistance that was organized in threes; Tamar was his contact, and he did not know who the other member of the cell was. In 2267, he provided a refuge for a landing party from the USS Enterprise when they sought to escape the mayhem of the Festival, and later led them to a safe haven. After Landru discovered and abducted the landing party, Reger was able to slip away; he was somehow immune to absorption. Although part of the resistance, when he was confronted with an actual attempt to end Landru's rule, he recanted and attempted to betray the landing party to the lawgivers. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons" ) According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 211) , Reger owned an inn, and it was there that he met the landing party from the Enterprise.
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