| - I have managed to accumulate considerable possessions over the course of my lifetime, almost against my will. That, I suppose, is the nature of dragons, to acquire and accumulate physical representations of our long memories and pasts. We are sentimental creatures at heart; I have yet to know a dragon who can simply throw away anything possessing even the smallest amount of meaning to him. To see to the Herculean task of administering my ridiculously vast estate and assure that my wishes are carried out, I authorize my executor, Nadja Daviar, to use what funds are necessary from the balance of my estate for the establishment of the Draco Foundation. This Foundation will have a Board of Trustees consisting of Ms. Daviar and six others to be appointed by her. The trustees will oversee the administration of the Foundation and the execution of my last wishes as described in this will. I suppose it is necessary that I acknowledge how dramatically I have broken from the traditions of my race by arranging for my effects to be distributed according to my own instructions. I will simply say that this is an eminently sensible idea I borrowed from humankind with the sole intention of avoiding the traditionally destructive events that almost always follow the death of one of our kind. I hereby warn my fellow dragons against contesting this document in the usual way, for doing so will reflect poorly on our reputations in this Awakened age. I have been compiling and updating this document off and on for many years, always striving to make my will accurately represent … well, my will. (My understanding is that most humans use their wills as instruments of encouragement and revenge, and it seemed like an excellent idea.) If I appear to have missed the mark, then please view my efforts charitably, and keep in mind that I take the very long view of things. In addition to designating specific recipients for the many things I have accumulated that will serve a better purpose in other hands, I have made bequests that I hope will foster the development of some of my favorite metahuman characteristics. I have always wished to aid metahumanity in its quest for knowledge, but have been reminded by a friend that I should not deny them the joy of discovery in doing so. Therefore, I have committed certain assets to encourage the most noble endeavor of the human intellect. I have found in my long life that truth is quite often a matter of opinion, and that it is possible for many truths to be held by many people at the same time without one truth being necessarily greater than another. It is my wish to advance the cause of truth in the world only as much as I can advance understanding. The concept that all beings are equal in the eyes of the Universe, regardless of their appearance or origins, without concern for their beliefs, goes against millennia of human history in which slavery, torture and murder were the order of the day for those where did not conform to the will of the State. More amazing still is that a nation founded upon such a radical principle was able to survive and prosper. Therefore, I have committed certain assets to honor the revolutionary dream that sparked a vision of a world where justice prevailed for all.