| - ...That trial seven years ago was the beginning of it all. This I know beyond a doubt. The mysteries of the past work their magic on the present. But you'll soon be finding all of this out for yourself. Which of Magnifi Gramarye's disciples pulled that trigger? Where did the vanishing defendant, Zak Gramarye, go? What dark truth lurks behind the forged diary page? And what about the girl who was left behind...? ...The past left us these four "keys" to unlocking the truth. But that's not all. There are four "keys" in the present, as well. And when all the questions have found their answers... ...the final trial will begin. But first, you must chase the truth through then and now. Think of it... as a game. Phoenix: I, Phoenix Wright, will be your guide through this game. That terrible trial saw me present forged evidence. ...It ended, half-finished, when the defendant vanished. What became of me after that...? As your investigation proceeds the answer will become clear. ...Oh, and one more thing. There is something I must tell you. As Apollo Justice has his bracelet... ...so, too, do I have my own "weapon" of sorts. ...My Magatama. What does it do, you ask? That I would have you see for yourself. ...Well now. Shall we begin? Touch the arrow to switch between past and present. But let's begin seven years ago... in the past. It is right after my last trial came to an abrupt end. ...Now that you know the game, let's play. Phoenix: The nightmare trial was over... ...and the new nightmare of figuring out what had happened had just begun. I wanted to wake up, to walk away. ...But I figured I'm the only one who could do this, probably. And besides, I had plenty of time. Thanks to the Bar Association review board's decision. It's hard to work when your attorney's badge has been taken away. Seven Years AgoWright & Co. Law Offices Trucy: Ooh! Morning, Daddy! Enigmar: Ah, I'm so glad you came. Trucy: You OK, Daddy? They picking on you? Enigmar: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I am fine, as always. This old boy is here to help me, after all. Phoenix: (That's "young man" to you.) Good morning. That's a cute outfit you have on. Trucy: Thanks! My first show's today, after all! Phoenix: ...Two weeks had passed since then. I called her into my office. Phoenix: Trucy, there's something we need to talk about. Trucy: ...... Phoenix: It's been two weeks since your father... disappeared. We need to start thinking about... your future. Trucy: ...... Phoenix: I, um, did some calling around. This is hard to say, but... ...you have no living relatives. Trucy: ...... Phoenix: So... ...I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me for a while. Just until your daddy comes home. It won't be long. (...I hope.) Trucy: ...... Phoenix: Uh, of course, it's totally your choice. If you don't like it here, you can go wherever you'd like. I could look up some places you might like to stay at... (This is so weird...) Trucy: ...Mr. Attorney. Daddy told me about you. He said I could trust you. Phoenix: Huh...? Really? Trucy: So, if I stay here... ...does that mean you'll be my family? Phoenix: Huh? Uh... Um... I guess so? (Getting weirder...) Trucy: Um... Mr. Attorney? Phoenix: Er, actually, why don't you call me... Nick. ...Or you can call me "Daddy" if you'd like. It doesn't have to be today, or anything. Trucy: OK! Say, Daddy? Phoenix: (That was quick.) ...Yes? Trucy: If I move here, I have to switch schools, right? And I was thinking, I haven't paid for lunches at my last school... for a year. So thanks, Daddy! Phoenix: ...Ah. Trucy: Oh, and this office? It's a little blah. A little color goes a long way, you know? Phoenix: ...Ah. Trucy: Oh, and Daddy? You got fired from work, right? Don't you worry one bit! I'll work twice as hard! We'll make it through this! Phoenix: Trucy... how old are you? Trucy: Oh, I'm eight. But don't let appearances deceive you! I'm a young professional! Stick with me and you'll do just fine, Daddy! Phoenix: ...Ah, thanks. (Why does it feel like she's already in charge...?) (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Phoenix: I think that's probably enough for today. Sorry to ask you so much all at once like that. Trucy: It's OK! After all, we're family! I just hope you're ready! The Wright Talent Agency opens tomorrow! Phoenix: Wh-What!? B-But are we... representing anyone? Trucy: Me and you... That makes two, Daddy...! Phoenix: I think you need more than that to make an agency. Besides... ...you may be a magician... but I'm no talent! Trucy: Oh, I'm sure there's something you're good at! Phoenix: Well, when you put it that way... Trucy: You mean you don't have any tricks? No old standbys? This will not do! A boy should always have a trick or two in his pocket. Phoenix: OK, OK! I'll think of something. Trucy: That's the spirit! See you bright and early tomorrow, Daddy! Mr. Hat: Welcome to the team, Daddy-O! Phoenix: The team... right. Phoenix: Sometimes when magicians vanish, they leave something behind... That's how Trucy became Trucy Wright... my daughter. To be honest, I was pretty lost those first few days. Thinking back on it, it was a pretty dark time in my life. But Trucy... happy, smiling Trucy... she was my light. Seven Years AgoDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 2 Phoenix: ...Didn't think I'd be back here for a while. I didn't want to have to remember that day. Judge: ...Though I deeply regret having to declare a verdict in this way... This trial is over. Zak: Ah, Your Honor? Judge: Y-Yes, Mr. Zak? Zak: There is one thing I wish to make clear. Today, in this courtroom... ...you cannot declare me "guilty". Judge: What are you talking about? Zak: I am talking... about this! Phoenix: M-Mr. Enigmar!!! Klavier: The defendant's escaped! Find him! Quick! Judge: Bailiff! Close all exits from the building! On the double! He must not be allowed to escape! Phoenix: (When I came here on that fateful morning, I still had my badge. But now... Like an amputated limb... I can still feel it itching. Where do I start? I don't even have the authority to investigate...) ???: Hey, you there. Sir! Down on the hands! Floor on your head! Now now now! Phoenix: Wh-Wh-What's the big idea!? My ears...! ???: No unauthorized personnel aren't allowed in here! Phoenix: ...... But that would mean all unauthorized personnel are allowed. ???: Zoooooooooooooooooooink!? ...I just say it like it is sir! And it's usually wrong. Thrown out of the precinct... lost my friends, my girl and even my wallet. Phoenix: ...... We've... met before, haven't we? On a case... two years ago? ???: No recollection of that, sir! Phoenix: ...Huh? ???: For me, "working on a case" is always in the present progressive tense, sir! There is no past! There is only now! Sir! Phoenix: OK, OK! You're... the bailiff, right? Meekins: Yes sir! Court Baliff Mike Meekins at your service, sir! Phoenix: Um... I've asked to meet with the bailiff at this court who let the magician escape. Meekins: Let me try to make this as absolutely clear as possible for you, sir! It was meeeeeeeeeeeee! Sir. Phoenix: B-But... you were a regular police officer once... right? Meekins: ...... Sometimes bad things happen to good people, sir. Phoenix: (Something tells me it's a long story. Let's not go there.) So, you were in charge of security at the time of the "vanishing"...? Meekins: I'm. Dying. Over. Here! Oh! Ohh! It's a hard knock life, sir! Thrown out of the precinct... lost my friends, my girl and even my wallet. Phoenix: (Guess I wasn't the only "victim"...) (Two Psyche-Locks; touching Magatama leads to:) Unlock Successful (Talking about "The trick vanishes" leads to:) Phoenix: ...I'm sorry. I had no idea how much you'd suffered on account of this case. Meekins: It... It's an honor, sir!!! I've apologized to people many, many times! Sometimes more than once! But this is the first time anyone's ever apologized to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Phoenix: Actually, about that girl... ...I'm sort of her guardian now. Meekins: Is that so? ...... ...... Sir! You should know that I harbor no ill feelings whatsoever in my harbor! Phoenix: Um, OK... Meekins: I let the defendant escape, that's the stone cold truth! Just another step on my way from singing the blues to wearing the blues! Someday, sir, I'll be standing side-by-side with the great Detective Guamshoooooooooooe! Phoenix: ...Erm, Mr. Meekins. This is a free ticket to the show at the Wonder Bar. If you want... Meekins: It... It's an honor, sir!!! Sir! I can't count the number of things I've had taken from me, sir! But no one's ever given me anything for freeeeeeee! Right! I'll see you in court next time then, sir! Phoenix: I look forward to it. Phoenix: All eyes were on Zak Gramarye that day in court... until his mysterious disappearance. Now part of the mystery's been revealed... but the magician remained out of sight. It would be seven years before I met him again... Present DayBorscht Bowl Club Kristoph: ...I'll be taking my leave, now. Still have some work to do back at the office. Phoenix: ...Then I guess I'll go back to my piano. Kristoph: To be honest, it's better when you aren't playing. This frigid culinary dungeon almost feels... comfortable. ...Later, then. Phoenix: (*sigh*... Two hours left on my shift. Wonder if we'll get any "customers" tonight.) ???: ...Ahem. Do you know who I am? Phoenix: "Who I Am"? No... But if you hum it, I can play it! ...Just kidding, I don't do requests. ???: How about a different sort of request? You see... I play cards. Phoenix: Oh... a customer. I was just hoping someone would come in and save me from a night at the keys. ???: ...I seek a true competition. I have heard the Borscht Bowl Club is the place for this. Now I see the rumor is true. Phoenix: ...And this is? A friend of yours? ???: Ah! Don't mind me! I'm just your friendly neighborhood newsman! ???: ...Ah. He will not be playing tonight. When his business is finished, I shall send him home. This competition will be between us. No others. Phoenix: The Wright Talent Agency represents two artists. And I'm number two. I play piano... Well, sort of. It's actually just a front for my real talent... ...which is playing poker. Don't ask me how I got started. I don't remember. But I'm good. Real good. It didn't take long for the rumors to get around... "Go to the Borscht Bowl Club if you want a real game. That guy's never lost"... People don't come to hear me tickle the ivory. They come to watch me play cards. Is this a seedy poker club? No. It's a restaurant. We don't play for high stakes. There's no money involved. But real players carry cash... and they're always thirsty. It's a handy source of income for the club owner. Phoenix: Then, let's compete. I'll take you to the room. ???: The Hydeout, yes. But before we go... Phoenix: ...Yes? ???: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shadi Smith. Brushel: Oh, and I'm Brushel! Spark Brushel! News reporter! Phoenix: Oh. I'm... ???: No, no, Phoenix Wright. Phoenix: Huh...? ???: You must always look a man in the eye when you make your introductions. ...You still do not know who I am? Phoenix: Have we... met? (Ah...!) Zak: Today, in this courtroom... ...you cannot declare me "guilty". Judge: What are you talking about? Zak: I am talking... about this! Phoenix: M-Mr. Enigmar!!! Klavier: The defendant's escaped! Find him! Quick! Judge: Bailiff! Close all exits from the building! On the double! He must not be allowed to escape! Phoenix: Y-You can't be... But you're...! ...Zak Gramarye!? Zak: Yes... The reincarnation act of the century. Pity I have only an audience of one. ...You. Phoenix: (Zak Gramarye!? This must be a bad dream. In a sense, this guy ruined my life.) Zak: You there! Olga: ...D-Dah? Zak: We will play soon. Ready the room. Olga: Dah... I will be preparing the Hydeout for you. Phoenix: Are you really him? The Zak Gramarye? Zak: Now I am Shadi Smith. Remember this. Phoenix: ...How many years has it been now? Six? Zak: In exactly three days from now, it will be seven. I caused you much... inconvenience, I fear. Phoenix: Yeah, you could say that. Zak: Is... she well? Trucy, I mean. Phoenix: She's fine. I've got her working already. Hope you don't mind. Zak: I hardly need express my gratitude. But, you have it. ...This is why I have come. That, and to settle a matter of cards. Phoenix: ...By which you mean poker? (Those eyes! He's serious...) Zak: I despise losing above all else. And so, I have decided that I will win tonight. No matter what it takes. Phoenix: (I know this guy's type... and they're dangerous. Everything's about the competition. All else is secondary.) Zak: ...Perhaps we should take this time to talk, before we play. I know you have much to ask me. ...And I, you. (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Zak: Well, the prelude may have been longer than the main attraction. Shall we begin our game? My final competition? Phoenix: Final...? Why? Zak: As you said, I have come out of hiding today to make this document legally binding. Once that is done, I shall slip once more underground. Phoenix: ...Without seeing your daughter? Zak: ...... It would be best if I did not. ...Seven years ago, we played. Seven years ago, I lost. I already lost to Magnifi. I do not care to lose to another. And I have heard that you never lose. Phoenix: ...It's just a rumor. Zak: Yes... for it is impossible to never lose. Unless one has an ace up one's sleeve. Phoenix: ...... Zak: As a magician, it causes me no end of irritation. To think a mere lawyer might be out there, pulling the wool over so many eyes. Phoenix: Hey... I just signed your document for you. Maybe you could try lightening up? Zak: That was that. This is this. For my final competition, I will destroy your perfect record, Phoenix Wright. This... will be my final performance. You are warned. Phoenix: (This guy is beyond serious... So much for a fun evening of cards.) Zak: ...Brushel. You may leave. Brushel: Ah, but, it's your last game! I mean, what a scoop... Zak: ...... ...I punch, and I punch. But still, it is not enough. Brushel: ...... Er, I just remembered a future, er, prior engagement! Toodles, gentlemen! Oh, and nice meeting you, piano man! Zak: ...Then let us begin. Dealer! Olga: ...Dah? Zak: You will be witness to our competition. Olga: Dah. It is honor for me. Phoenix: ...? (Why haven't I seen her around here before?) Zak: Ah, that reminds me... I saw a familiar face as I entered this restaurant. ...He did not seem to notice me, however. Phoenix: ...? Zak: Gavin... I believe was his name. Phoenix: You know him? Zak: After a fashion. ...Listen, Phoenix Wright. One can learn much from a true competition. ...Remember this. Phoenix: The Gramarye "power"... I was close to understanding it, but I needed more. And I knew where to get it. ...Trucy's mother. I'd need to meet that reporter again, that was clear... ...And one other thing. From the moment my "final competition" with Zak began that night... ...a name was running through my head. ...The name of a man now in prison. ...A name Zak Gramarye knew. But how? And why...? Present DayCentral PrisonSolitary Cell 13 Kristoph: Well well, isn't this an unexpected surprise? What errand brings you down to my cramped confines? Phoenix: Gavin... Kristoph: Is... this your idea of revenge, Phoenix Wright? Revenge for the events that took away your attorney's badge seven years ago!? Phoenix: My past is like my logic, straight and true. Nothing's changed. All I did was point the finger of justice in the proper direction. Kristoph: ... Fine. I'm glad we could have this little tête-à-tête, Wright. Kristoph: ...You look well, Phoenix Wright. Phoenix: You, too... Gavin. Seven Years AgoDrew Studio ???: I... figured you'd come here sooner or later. Phoenix: I decided on sooner. Drew Misham... was it? Drew: ...... I... I haven't done anything illegal. Phoenix: ...And I didn't come here to whine about past events. I wanted to ask you some questions. Drew: ...I suppose you have that right. That day... the entire court descended into chaos. Only you stood still, your eyes calmly watching. I admit, it made quite an impression on me. Phoenix: I'm used to finding myself in outrageous situations. Drew: Phoenix Wright, was it? I'll answer what I can. Phoenix: ...... (I'm not sure, but... ...it feels like I'm being watched... intensely.) ???: ...... Drew: Ah, this is my daughter. Vera, say hello. Vera: ...... Phoenix: (She's gone...) Drew: Shall we begin, then? (Two Psyche-Locks; touching Magatama leads to:) Unlock Successful (Choosing to talk to Vera leads to:) Phoenix: ...Mr. Misham, I have a request. Drew: Let me guess. You'd like to speak with my daughter. Phoenix: ...Can I? Drew: ...My daughter has never been one to talk to strangers. She's quite shy. Extremely so, actually. ...With only one exception. Phoenix: Which was...? Drew: Oddly enough, it was that client. Phoenix: ...! Drew: I left the studio while they talked. I returned when they had finished... and she was laughing! It was the first time I'd seen anything of the sort. Phoenix: ...Please, let me speak with her. Drew: ...Alright. Vera: ...... Phoenix: (Uh oh... this could be tough.) (Two Psyche-Locks; touching Magatama leads to:) Unlock Successful (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Phoenix: Well... I think that's all. I'll be leaving now. Drew: ...I am sorry for what happened. Phoenix: If you want to apologize, try my client, Zak Gramarye. Vera: Um... Did I... do something bad? Phoenix: ...What makes you think that? Vera: Your eyes... they're sad. Very sad. Phoenix: ...... I'll put on my smile next time I come, promise. ...I hope to see you smile then, too, Vera. Vera: Oh... OK. Phoenix: ...Take care. Phoenix: Thinking back on my first encounter with the young forger... ...I witnessed something of vital importance that day. ...Of course, by the time I realized it... ...it was already too late. Seven Years AgoDetention CenterVisitor's Room Valant: What strange sight doth mine eyes behold! Phoenix: Excuse me? Valant: Two men on either side of a single transparent pane... ...yet it seems fickle Fate has switched sides, so to speak! The forger of fakes walks freely. While the innocent languishes within these flexiglass confines. Phoenix: There's been no proof that I forged anything. Valant: Nor proof that I took the life of my dear mentor. Phoenix: ...... Valant: Yet... these chains cannot hold me for long. The stage awaits! And what, may I ask, awaits you? Phoenix: (A little piano in a cold little hole-in-the-wall...) Valant: But, since you are here... ...what shall we discuss? Phoenix: (The shooting of Magnifi Gramarye, for one... Who pulled that trigger? Valant? Or his partner Zak? His partner vanished before the answer could be found. If I'm going to get any closer to the truth, this is the place to start.) (Four Psyche-Locks; touching Magatama leads to:) Unlock Successful (Talking about "The darkness" leads to:) Phoenix: I had begun to notice a dark curtain hanging over Troupe Gramarye... ...and I began to realize what I had to do. I had to protect Trucy from that darkness. The reporter he mentioned... ...the "newsman". I never learned who that was, at the time. ...Though I've got a pretty good idea who it is now. That smile, and the sickly sweet smell of mint. The last floss-thin thread connecting Zak Gramarye to this world. Sooner or later, I'd have to track him down. Present DayDrew Studio Brushel: Eh? Well well well what do we have here? Phoenix: Remember me? Brushel: Of course I remember you! "Journalist Meets Ex-Attorney In Bar", end quote. Phoenix: Can I ask what you're doing here? Mr. Misham was poisoned, and his daughter's... Brushel: Oh, yes, I know. Oh, how I know! Yes. It's caused me no end of grief, to be honest. "Journalist Wishes He'd Tracked Down Case Just A Little Quicker", end quote. Phoenix: Were you on the trail of this case the whole time? Brushel: Zak Gramarye... was a good friend. Phoenix: Zak said something to that effect back at the Borscht Bowl Club. Brushel: What a character, what a man! If a little... No, a lot... No, extremely rough around the edges! Phoenix: Do you think I could ask you a few questions? Brushel: Oh? You serious? I mean, I'm usually the interviewer, not interviewee! "Journalist Asks Questions, Not Other Way Around", end quote. Phoenix: ...... Brushel: Fine, shoot, I don't care! People have been asking me all sorts of things lately. (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Brushel: People and events all get tangled together and get biggerer and biggerer... ...don'tcha think? Phoenix: (I was too busy wondering about "biggerer" to listen to what you were saying.) Brushel: ...Sometimes, you just gotta accept that you won't be able to untangle it all, I think. Phoenix: Maybe so. But still... ...I have to do what I can. And... I have to tell what I find to those who come next. Brushel: "Next" you say? Phoenix: I'm not the one who will close the curtain on this little play. Apparently, that's not my role anymore. Brushel: Magnifi... Phoenix: ...? Brushel: I was just wondering what Magnifi would think of all this. Phoenix: What do you mean? Brushel: Haven't you seen it in Trucy? She's got his power. Phoenix: You mean, how I can't lie to Trucy? Brushel: It was the same with Magnifi. And with his daughter... Thalassa. Phoenix: It's a strange thing. You think it's some Gramarye gene? Brushel: Magnifi told me once, back when Zak married Thalassa. He said Zak had good "eyes". But not good like a Gramarye's eyes. Not that good. Phoenix: (...I wonder if Zak ever played a game of poker with his wife?) Who knows what the "Gramarye Secret" was...? Brushel: Maybe nobody, now that Zak's gone. Phoenix: (Zak Gramarye...) Phoenix: ...The plot had finally begun to reveal itself. It sprouted from a warp in the Gramarye fabric, and grew, swallowing everything... ...wrapping itself around the Gramaryes' "power". A power which passed from Magnifi Gramarye to Thalassa ...to the next generation. And I would once again need to meet... ...the one who bridged it all together. (Borscht Bowl Club) (Three Psyche-Locks; touching Magatama leads to:) Unlock Successful (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Zak: ...That is all I know of things Gramarye. Phoenix: Thank you, Mr. Zak. Zak: If this boy's bracelet is the real thing, then he will use it before long. Thereby awakening his power. Phoenix: ...I'll keep that in mind. Well, shall we play a game? Zak: Ah... I've said so much. Let me say one more thing. ...I will tell you of that night. Phoenix: "That night"...? Zak: The night my mentor, Magnifi Gramarye, passed from this world to the next. Phoenix: ...! Zak: There were two pistols, and two letters sent. This... was Magnifi's "test". Phoenix: A test? Zak: In his last years, Magnifi Gramarye worked us to the bone... No. To the pain. But that night, I could not shoot him. ...So I shot the clown's forehead instead. This, it seems, was the correct "answer". Magnifi: ...Take this. I give my art to you, Zak. Zak: What...? Magnifi: It is thanks for playing along with my "show". You shot well tonight, Zak. Though I would not have minded dying by your hand. Zak: How could I shoot you? ...You're my mentor. Magnifi: Bah! I thought you might say that. Zak: ...If I went home without shooting anything... ...what would you have done then? Magnifi: Then, of course, I would have given Valant his chance. Zak: And if I had shot you in the forehead instead? Magnifi: Then it would be over. If you or Valant were to shoot me in the head... ...then I to the darkness would go, and my art with me. A fitting end, don't you think? Zak: Ah... Magnifi: Yet this ending, too, gives me no cause for regret. I thank you, Zak. And... I am sorry. I have done much that was wrong in my day. Phoenix: It seems to me that Magnifi wanted you to be his successor all along. That's why the time he gave you was earlier than Valant's. Zak: ...Perhaps. But it is not something we will ever know for sure now. I wonder... What is Valant up to these days? Phoenix: ...Waiting for you to "die". If seven years pass like this, the performance rights go to him. Zak: ...Ahh. And now here I am... and his dream is ended. Phoenix: It's worse than that, actually. Public opinion's a fickle thing, you know? Zak: What...? You don't mean to tell me they've put the blame for our mentor's death on... him? Phoenix: The trial ended when you vanished, Mr. Zak. There were even rumors that Valant had helped you pull it off. Zak: But that's madness! ...... Well. It seems that before I can once again disappear from this world... ...I have one more act to perform. Phoenix: ...? Zak: ...Isn't it odd that sorting out my life should prove so complicated... ...even though I'm "dead"? Phoenix: ...That night, Zak Gramarye was killed. He died as "Shadi Smith", a mysterious traveler with a secret past. But he left one thing behind before he parted... This. His "confession". ...To use as I saw fit. ...Of course, he'd killed no one. This was his way of tying up loose ends with his old partner, Valant Gramarye. Present DaySunshine Coliseum Valant: Well, this is a blast from the distant past. Phoenix: Long time no see, Mr. Valant. Valant: Seven years, has it been? Frankly, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Phoenix: Actually, I came because there's something I want to ask you. Valant: ...I've spoken to the press. I've nothing more to say. Phoenix: I've spoken to a lot of people myself... and come to some conclusions. But then I realized... ...I needed to hear it from you. Valant: ...... (Two Psyche-Locks; touching Magatama leads to:) Unlock Successful (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Valant: Well... what do you think? Do you believe my story? Can it be believed, truly? Phoenix: ...... That was seven years ago. I don't know what to believe. But... Valant: ...Yes? Phoenix: I'm glad I heard it from you, Mr. Valant. Thank you. Valant: ...It is I who should be thanking you, Mr. Wright. Only when I had lost everything could I make my decision... Phoenix: ...You're going to turn yourself in? Valant: My partner may have vanished, but not so my guilt. And as my guilt stays, all else begins to leave me. My friends... my performance rights... my magic. I've had enough of vanishing acts. Phoenix: ...I understand. Valant: I thought my life was ruled by a dead man... ...but I find I was wrong. For Zak Gramarye was alive... Phoenix: (Well, not anymore.) Valant: ...... And now, it occurs to me: What if he was not the only one who survived? Phoenix: ...What do you mean? Valant: You see, now that I think about it... ...I realize that I, no... we never saw proof of her demise. We never saw her body. Phoenix: Um, "her"...? Valant: ...The mind races and the mouth flaps on. My apologies. Forget this matter. I can only hope that the day will come when I again meet my partner, Zak Gramarye. Then... I shall apologize for my terrible mistake. I am glad we had this chance to talk... Thank you. Phoenix: Zak Gramarye... "Shadi Smith". Whichever name you prefer... he is no longer with us. The truth revealed in that trial was only a sliver... ...and the impenetrable darkness that remained has taken another life. I knew what I'd have to do to push back the darkness for good. And it would involve paying that man a visit. (Solitary Cell 13, after talking with Trucy Wright, Mike Meekins, Zak Gramarye, Kristoph Gavin, Drew Misham, Vera Misham, Valant Gramarye (past), Spark Brushel, and Valant Gramarye (present)) Guard: Sorry sir. Prisoner Kristoph Gavin is currently "occupied". Phoenix: I see... Do you know when he'll be finished? Guard: Ah, erm, well... Phoenix: ...Could you go find out? Guard: Ah... Certainly, sir. Please wait here a moment. Phoenix: (My apologies to the guard... But there's something I need to see.) (Examining yellow envelope leads to:) Kristoph: ...What's this? A burglar... in jail? Phoenix: ...Gavin! Kristoph: I didn't know you moonlighted in larceny, Wright. Phoenix: Gavin... There's something I have to ask you. Kristoph: "Can I steal your stuff"? The answer is "no". My apologies, but there's not much I care to discuss. Phoenix: ...... Vera Misham hasn't received her verdict yet. ...You follow me, Gavin? Kristoph: There are no known survivors of atroquinine poisoning. But it never hurts to hope. Phoenix: ...OK, I'll be leaving now, then. Kristoph: Wright. Wait. Phoenix: ...Yeah, Gavin? Kristoph: Would you mind leaving that letter? ...It's private. Phoenix: Oh, sorry. Forgot I had it. Kristoph: ...Many thanks. Phoenix: ...We've now seen all the clues in this case. Clues I gathered over seven long years. Now, it is time. Every story has an ending. We've come to the final chapter, the final trial. Find the truth. You're the only ones who can. To be continued. Phoenix: ...Welcome to court. Seven years... all leading to one verdict. A verdict which you must decide. Is the defendant, Vera Misham, innocent... or guilty? The courtroom doors are opening... the trial awaits. Are you ready to begin? Courtroom No. 3Preparations Complete ...Something inside me... rising... surfacing... ...Something important... lost long ago... it's close now... so close. October 9, 10:00 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 3 Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Vera Misham. Apollo: ...The defense is ready, Your Honor. Klavier: ...Prosecution's ready to rock. Judge: Prosecutor Gavin. How is the defendant... Vera Misham's condition? Klavier: Acute atroquinine poisoning. According to her physician... ...she could die at any time. Thus... her absence from the courtroom today. Trucy: What!? They can't put her on trial without her being here! Apollo: It... is unusual. Trucy: They should wait for her to get better and do it then. ...It's so bureaucratic of them! Apollo: That's being a little harsh. (They can't delay the trial any longer. ...Or they risk having no one left to try.) Klavier: A trial without a verdict can only cause grief... ...The records of this case, and experience, tell us this. ...Apologies to the defendant, but the show must go on. Apollo: (Right... if Vera dies, the trial will be cancelled. ...I'm not going to let that happen! Mr. Wright told me everything that's been going on behind the curtain all these years. I'm going to get Vera her innocent verdict while there's still time!) Judge: ...Very well. Your opening statement, Prosecutor Gavin. Klavier: The prosecution's case is unchanged by recent events. Why did Vera Misham succumb to poison? Because she couldn't live with the guilt of what she'd done. Apollo: File:Objection.gifBut Vera was poisoned with atroquinine! The exact same poison that took her father's life! Klavier: ...What better confession could you ask for? Being the killer she would have had access to the poison. Significant, since it's rather hard to come by. Judge: Hmm... That is true. Klavier: In other words... I see no need for further discussion. We could have had our verdict... yesterday. Judge: Well, Mr. Justice? If you have no objections, I see no reason to postpone a verdict. Apollo: ...What we need to worry about isn't the verdict... but the trial itself! The defense holds that Vera Misham is the victim not the killer! Klavier: If that's so... then you have to prove something. She was in court, giving her testimony before us. How do you propose her "killer" poisoned her? Oh... and incidentally, it would be nice if you told us who her mystery "killer" was. Judge: ...The prosecution's objection is sustained. I ask the defense to prove its claims to this court. Tell us how Vera Misham was "poisoned"! Apollo: (...I've got two things to prove here. Who did it, and how. Which to hit first?) Judge: ...It's simply inconceivable! Apollo: ...Prosecutor Gavin doesn't seem to think so. Klavier: ...... Apollo: ...That face tells me one thing. Kristoph Gavin's own younger brother doesn't find it inconceivable at all. Judge: Hmm... Well, Prosecutor Gavin? If you feel there is a clear and pressing need... ...then we may have to summon Kristoph Gavin from jail as a special witness. Klavier: ...... Fine. I've known for some time that an impenetrable darkness lurked at the bottom of this. ...A darkness that has swallowed even myself. Apollo: ...... Klavier: ...OK. The defense's wish is granted. Let prisoner Kristoph Gavin take the stand! Judge: Bailiff, begin proceedings to call a special witness! The witness is Kristoph Gavin, currently residing in Solitary Cell 13 at Central Prison! Kristoph: ...Ah, Your Honor. How nice to see you again. Judge: I-It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Kristoph: To what do I owe the pleasure of your company? It's not every day I'm summoned from my solitary cell. In fact, it's never. Apollo: I think you already know, Mister Kristoph Gavin. Kristoph: Ah... Mr. Justice. ...I hear you've been doing quite well for yourself. Apollo: (Ack... Why do I feel like somehow, he's still my boss...?) Trucy: Stiff upper lip, Apollo! You can do it! Apollo: ...Does this bottle look familiar? Kristoph: Ariadoney nail polish? ...Why yes, I use it myself. As did the late defendant, I hear. Apollo: She's not dead yet! Kristoph: And...? Was there something concerning this bottle you wished to ask me about? I admit, I respect her for her taste in nail polish. Apollo: Her "taste" indeed! This nail polish was how Vera Misham was poisoned! Kristoph: Atroquinine... was it? Judge: You're well informed about the case, Mr. Gavin. Kristoph: Even in solitary, much comes to my desk. And I have nothing to do but read. ...Well, Klavier? Klavier: ...! Kristoph: ...Maybe you can explain this? Klavier: ...... You're being accused again. ...By him. Again. Kristoph: Ahh. And? You agree with his accusation, do you? Klavier: ...... Judge: Let's hold a proper trial, shall we? Kristoph Gavin... your testimony, please. Kristoph: ...I'd be delighted. Judge: The charges against you are quite severe, Mr. Gavin. You are suspected of the poisoning of the defendant, Vera Misham... ...Please testify on this matter to the court! Witness Testimony - - Poisoning Vera - - Kristoph: Owning the same nail polish does not a murderer make.I have been in solitary confinement for half a year. How could I poison her?Her father died of the same poison... the meaning of which should be clear.The prosecution's case holds. She poisoned her father, then attempted to poison herself.Surely, you aren't going to suggest I was responsible for poisoning her father, too? Judge: Well... ...I'm afraid the defense's claim is sounding rather unlikely. Kristoph: Naturally. For one, I don't even know the Mishams. Isn't that so, Mr. Justice? Apollo: ...... Judge: Very well. Mr. Justice, begin your cross-examination. Apollo: (I'm accusing Kristoph Gavin, my ex-boss. But I know he poisoned the Mishams! The question is "when" could he have done it...? Not to mention... "why"?) Cross Examination - - Poisoning Vera - - Kristoph: Owning the same nail polish does not a murderer make. Kristoph: I have been in solitary confinement for half a year. How could I poison her? Kristoph: Her father died of the same poison... the meaning of which should be clear. Kristoph: The prosecution's case holds. She poisoned her father, then attempted to poison herself. Kristoph: Surely, you aren't going to suggest I was responsible for poisoning her father, too? Apollo: (OK... I'm questioning my ex-boss. His testimony seems water-tight... but he's lying. I'm sure I'll be able to see something... as long as I focus!) Apollo: It was you who killed Drew Misham. Kristoph: ...A bluff worthy of your new mentor, Mr. Wright. Apollo: Oh, really? ...But you see, I saw it. Right when you said "her father, too"! Your hand tensed unnaturally, and a little devil appeared to give me the news. Kristoph: ...... And? Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that you saw me being "tense". What does that mean? Are all tense witnesses guilty? And tell me, was Drew Misham fond of nail polish, too? Apollo: ...Sorry, but there's more than one way to poison a man. You don't need nail polish to get to someone's mouth. Kristoph: Ah, then I must be very talented indeed. You see, Drew Misham was killed on October 6... ...while I was already in my solitary confinement cell at Central Prison. If that's not an alibi, then I don't know what is. Apollo: ...But you found a way, all the same. And I found it, too. Kristoph: ...! Apollo: This is how you poisoned Mr. Misham! Apollo: I'm sure this commemorative stamp requires no introduction. Kristoph: ...... Apollo: The night Mr. Misham died, he was seen writing a letter. Atroquinine was found on this stamp, Mr. Gavin. Kristoph: So am I to understand this stamp was the murder weapon? Apollo: Yes, you are. Oh, and yes... ...this stamp was found in your prison cell!!! Kristoph: ...! Apollo: ...That is all, Your Honor. Judge: Order! Order! Order! P-Poison on the back of that stamp!? Apollo: After Drew Misham was killed, someone paid a visit to this witness's cell. ...Phoenix Wright. Trucy: Daddy...? Apollo: That's when he found the stamp. You made Drew Misham write you a letter! That's how you killed him! Klavier: What...!? Kristoph: My, my. You've upset my poor brother to the point of uselessness. Allow me to clarify this matter, Justice. All you need do is recall witness Spark Brushel's testimony. Brushel: Well, that's the thing, see. After he put his letter in that envelope... ...Mr. Misham sat there searching his desk drawer for something! Apollo: His desk drawer...? Brushel: Yes! A stamp! A so-called "Postage Stamp", end quote! Kristoph: He was "looking for a stamp". Ergo, he had no intention of using this stamp. Apollo: What are you getting at? Kristoph: What I'm arriving at is that this commemorative stamp was in a frame! It was mere coincidence that he used it that night! Judge: That would... seem to be the case. Kristoph: Or perhaps you mean to suggest that I can somehow manipulate coincidence? Apollo: ...! Judge: He does have a point. How would this witness know if the victim was going to use that stamp? Without that, he couldn't have planned the murder! Apollo: Wh-Whaaaaat!? Kristoph: ...Really, Klavier. You should be seeing through these weak-spined bluffs by now. Klavier: ...... Apollo: (He's right, though... ...How could anyone have known Mr. Misham would use that stamp that night? Least of all Kristoph Gavin locked away in his cell...) Judge: Well... ...it seems that the defense has run out of things to say. Kristoph: You assume he had something to say in the first place. I believe the defense's bluff... has been called. Klavier: The "defense's bluff"...? I'm not sure I agree with you there... Kristoph. Kristoph: K-Klavier...? Klavier: ...Honestly, I wanted to believe you. But the defense wasn't trying to get away with a bluff. You were, Kristoph! Judge: Wh-What are you saying? ...Prosecutor Gavin! Klavier: ...Herr Forehead. What was your accusation again...? Apollo: Huh!? Oh, it was that... Klavier: ..."This poisoned stamp killed Drew Misham"... ja? To which my brother responded thusly: "There was no way to know "when" Misham would use the stamp." Judge: Yes, that's right. Which is why it couldn't have been planned... Klavier: ...Tell me. It needs to be "planned"... why? Apollo: Uh... Klavier: Why couldn't it have been a "coincidence"? The defense's case is simply that Drew Misham died by that stamp. That's all. Apollo: "Coincidence"... Klavier: Kristoph, you tried to slip out from under his accusation by changing the subject! If that's not bluffing... what is it? Kristoph: ...... What are you up to, Klavier? Klavier: I could ask you the same question, Kristoph. Kristoph: Heh... ...I silenced the defense with the fewest words possible. It's called "efficiency". Judge: B-But Mr. Gavin! That's impermissible testimony! Kristoph: ...Very well. I shall take his claim head-on, then. ...Justice. Apollo: Wh-What? Kristoph: You accuse me of Drew Misham's murder, yes? Then, allow me to ask you: What possible reason could I have to kill a painter? Trucy: Apollo! Motive! He's talking about a motive! Judge: Hmm... Indeed. It's hard to see how an attorney could come to want to kill a painter. Apollo: (Now here's something: why didn't he bring up the motive from the very beginning? ...Unless he was afraid it was a battle he might lose...!) Trucy: So... what does it mean? Apollo: ...It means there might be a weak spot! Maybe I have some evidence to prove a motive... Judge: A motive for murder. This is a vital, if not the most vital element in this case. Please consider this when making your statement. Klavier: I'd say it's about... this vital. Apollo: (That's... pretty vital.) Judge: Well, Mr. Justice? Apollo: (I'm going through with this no matter what!) ...Understood, Your Honor. I'd like to present evidence. Kristoph: ...... Judge: Then, let's see what you have for us. What reason did Kristoph Gavin have for wanting to murder Drew Misham? Apollo: Kristoph Gavin's motive becomes clear... ...when we consider why the stamp came to Drew Misham's studio in the first place. Judge: And why was that? Apollo: Forgery, Your Honor. Go back seven years. Drew Misham accepts his first job creating forged evidence. Judge: I've... seen that before! A page from a diary, wasn't it? Magnifi Gramarye's diary. Kristoph: Ah, when attorney Phoenix Wright lost his badge, yes. ...This was the "evidence" he presented. To his loss. Apollo: ...This evidence is a fake, yes. But did Mr. Wright request the forgery be made? That was never proven! Klavier: File:Objection.gifThe defense attorney on that case was Phoenix Wright. Who, other than him, drunk with the prospect of victory, could have done it? And why would they? Apollo: ...... Just out of curiosity... ...do you remember this letter? This is the first page. ...And this is the second. Judge: Those were presented in court yesterday. This letter was sent to Drew Misham by the client who requested that forgery. Apollo: The "enclosed stamp" was none other than the poisoned commemorative stamp! Drew Misham drew his last breath just the other day. However! The motive for his murder was already seven years old! Klavier: Seven years old...? Apollo: The client who requested this forgery was very cautious. He tried to erase anything... and anyone with connections to the forgery! Judge: ...To keep them from talking? Apollo: ...But he made a mistake. Vera: ...The stamp was a picture of my favorite magicians... so I kept it... ...Father took me when I was very young... ...It was a great magic show. I loved it so much... Apollo: ...The killer's "time bomb" was delayed. The poisoned stamp was sealed within a glass frame... ...where it sat for seven whole years. Klavier: ...Herr Forehead. Do you understand what you're telling us? Apollo: ...... Klavier: The one who schemed up the forged diary page was the one who poisoned the stamp. And it was Phoenix Wright who presented the forged evidence seven years ago. Adding the two statements together, the one who schemed to kill Drew Misham... ...was none other than Phoenix Wright! Apollo: File:Objection.gif...Sorry, but that's not how this is going to go down. Klavier: Oh? Then how will it "go down"? Apollo: I checked through the records on that case... when I found this. ...Seven years ago, just before the trial began... Trucy: Oh... Old boy! Um, uh... Here. Phoenix: What's this...? Trucy: I dunno! I just got it over there in the hall. They told me to give it to the "old boy in the blue suit with the spiky hair". Apollo: And one more thing... Enigmar: I'm... sorry to have sprung this on you so suddenly. Phoenix: I received the files from your previous attorney only yesterday. Enigmar: ...I understand I am asking the impossible of you. Phoenix: Yes, well, you haven't really told me what happened yet! All we did... was play cards. Enigmar: And that was enough. Apollo: Phoenix Wright was put on the case the day before the trial started. He didn't have time to request a forgery! Klavier: The day before...!? Apollo: Now here's a question. Just who was Shadi Enigmar's previous defense attorney? Kristoph: ...... Klavier: No... Th-This can't all be... Apollo: ...But it is all true. There was another man, a defense attorney with a badge on his collar... ...it was you! Kristoph Gavin! Judge: Order! Order! Order!!! W-What is the meaning of this, witness! I mean, defendant! Er, former lawyer!? Kristoph: ...Let me begin by denying this. Apollo: File:Objection.gifIt's easy enough to look up, Mr. Gavin. Kristoph: And impossible to prove if you can't. Apollo: ...! Kristoph: Attorneys are registered with the court the day before the trial begins. In other words, no record remains in the court. How exactly did you intend to prove Phoenix Wright's claim? Judge: Hmm... That would be difficult. I'm afraid this line of inquiry won't yield... Klavier: File:Objection.gif...Herr Forehead. Are you sure you don't have evidence...? Apollo: ...! Trucy: What's wrong with Prosecutor Gavin? He looks clammy! Klavier: Evidence! Evidence that shows this man, Kristoph Gavin, requested that forgery seven years ago! Kristoph: Klavier...? Klavier: Just... prove it! Clear up these doubts now, or I swear, I'm off this case! Trucy: ...He must have thought of some evidence, Apollo! Apollo: (Prosecutor Gavin looks like he's in physical pain! That darkness... ...I have to pull that darkness out of him... And proof is the only way I can! What proves Kristoph Gavin's link to Drew Misham!?) Judge: Well, Mr. Justice? You claim Kristoph Gavin requested a forgery of Drew Misham seven years ago! Prove it! Apollo: It can be proven. Kristoph: ...... Simply ridiculous. Why even discuss it? This "evidence" does not... Klavier: File:Objection.gifAre you... telling the truth, Apollo Justice...? Apollo: ...I am. Klavier: Then... I say we give him the benefit of the doubt! Judge: Very well. But, if you're wrong about this... ...be prepared for a penalty. Kristoph: File:Objection.gifYour Honor. You do the defense an injustice. Mr. Justice is clearly passionate about his claim. Should the penalty not match his passion? Judge: I... haven't given a penalty like that in a long time. Well? Mr. Justice! Apollo: ...Fine, Your Honor. (All I have to prove is any kind of link. Something that ties Kristoph Gavin to Drew Misham... And... I have something that clearly does the job.) Judge: ...Very well, Mr. Justice. Present your evidence! Show us the link between our witness and Drew Misham! Apollo: This evidence proves there's a link! Kristoph: File:Objection.gifThat... scrap of paper? I'm afraid I can't let you submit that. Apollo: ...Is there some problem? Kristoph: There is. How could you possibly have that? You couldn't. Apollo: Hmm...? Trucy: Hey! That's Daddy's handwriting... Judge: ...Mr. Wright's handwriting!? What is the meaning of this? Kristoph: Ah, I see now. Yes, of course. Judge: What do you mean "of course"? Kristoph: I just remembered I had a visitor yesterday. Phoenix Wright came to my cell... except I wasn't there. Klavier: Phoenix Wright...? Kristoph: When I returned, I saw he had something of mine in his possession. Of course, I had no intention of letting him get away with reading my private mail. Judge: Mail...? You mean, this letter was in your cell? Kristoph: ...No. However, it appears Mr. Wright has yet to be cured of his bad forging habit. Judge: Well, if it's a forgery, it's not a very good one. The handwriting's terrible! Apollo: This is Mr. Wright's reproduction of what was written in the real letter. Judge: "Reproduction"...? Apollo: When Mr. Wright visited Kristoph Gavin's cell... ...he brought with him a small video camera. Kristoph: What...? Apollo: He recorded his entire conversation with you, Mr. Gavin. And the contents of your "personal" mail! Kristoph: ...! R-Regardless. This mockery of a piece of evidence will never be accepted by the court. Evidence based on a "video" a man with no authority whatsoever "claims" he took... ...A man who happens to be an ex-attorney suspected of forgery! Judge: Hmm. Prosecutor Gavin? Klavier: ...... Apollo: Prosecutor... Gavin? Kristoph: As embarrassing as this is for me to say... ...I'm afraid my brother is incapable of making rational judgments at the moment. Your Honor. ...Your decision, please. Judge: ...... The defense's claim is denied. Trucy: What!? Judge: Only actual evidence is permitted in a court of law. Please remove the defense's "evidence" from the record. Kristoph: Better luck next time, Justice. Apollo: ...! Judge: Well, we've certainly taken a detour from our cross-examination... ...but, the defense appears to be lacking proof. I'm forced to end the cross-examination of Kristoph Gavin at this point. Trucy: ...Apollo! Do something...! Apollo: I'm thinking! But... without evidence... ...I don't have anything I can use on him! Judge: ...Very well. This ends the special witness's cross-examination. Klavier: File:Objection.gif...The show's over, yet the crowd screams for more. Only now do I understand why. Judge: Prosecutor Gavin? Klavier: Frankly, I'm relieved. This has been bothering me for seven whole years. And I'm tired of the whole youthful angst scene. ...Now's our chance. Let's clean out the family closet, eh, Kristoph? Kristoph: Klavier... You're spinning out of control. Calm yourself before you say something you'll regret. Klavier: Spinning out of whose control? Mine? ...Or yours? Kristoph: Take a moment to consider everything you've built. Your reputation as a prosecutor... your fame with the masses. You could lose it all, Klavier. Trucy: Apollo! Did you see that? He's trying to press Prosecutor Gavin! Apollo: Prosecutor Gavin! Try to remember... ...what's really important to you! Klavier: You amuse me, Herr Forehead. I couldn't forget what's really important to me, even if I tried. Apollo: ...! Klavier: In fact, I haven't. Not even once. Seven years ago... Klavier: ...Finally. You just couldn't resist, could you, Herr Wright? Phoenix: ...Resist what? Presenting solid evidence? Klavier: Might I request we put the current cross-examination on hold? The prosecution would like to call a new witness. ...State your name and occupation for the record. Apollo: ...I'm familiar with the trial. I've watched the video several times. Klavier: Didn't you find anything "unnatural" about it? Judge: Unnatural? Apollo: Well, you did seem unusually well prepared. I mean, Mr. Wright had only just presented his evidence. And the next moment you call in Drew Misham. It was almost as if... Klavier: "Almost as if"... what? Apollo: ...... (Funny, it didn't even occur to me to wonder... ...But now that I do, I see there's only one possible explanation!) Almost as if... from the very beginning... ...you knew Mr. Wright was going to present that evidence. Judge: Ah...! Klavier: ...Correct. Apollo: ...! Klavier: I knew that if I applied the usual pressure... ...Phoenix Wright would eventually come up with that forged diary page. Kristoph: Don't do this, Klavier. Klavier: I knew because you told me, Kristoph! Apollo: Wh... Whaaaaaaaaaaat!? Klavier: It was the night before the trial. Kristoph: ...Klavier. Klavier: Kristoph...? Odd seeing you at the prosecutor's office the day before the trial. Kristoph: Ah... I won't be appearing in the trial, actually. Klavier: Huh? Why not...? Kristoph: I won't be facing off with you on your first trial, apparently. ...But in exchange, I brought information. Klavier: Information...? Kristoph: The attorney who'll be there in my place tomorrow is not to be trusted. Don't even give him the benefit of your respect. Listen... ...I want you to call in a special witness. Then... ...... Klavier: ...I wondered about it at the time. "How did Kristoph know so much?" Apollo: Prosecutor Gavin... Klavier: ...Kristoph! We were supposed to face each other in that trial! A fair fight, brother to brother! I deserved that much! You let me borrow the victim's belongings... ...You showed me all your research on the case! Trucy: The victim's "belongings"...? Apollo: Which would have included Magnifi's diary... wouldn't it? Kristoph: ...... Judge: Mr. Gavin...? Kristoph: My, my, Klavier. You disappoint me. You find trees, yet miss the forest! Apollo: ...You're the one missing the forest, Mr. Gavin. Kristoph: ...... Klavier: You can't sweep this under the rug. Not anymore. Tell me what was going on behind that trial! Kristoph: ...... ...Why not? I've achieved what I came here to do. I see no harm in a little reminiscing. Trucy: Apollo... Apollo: ...I think we're finally going to shine a light on the black belly of this thing, Trucy. We've done everything we could. I hope it's enough. Kristoph: ...Seven years ago... the day before the trial. I visited the detention center at the request of my client, Zak Gramarye. ...Two cards. ...One card. ...Showdown time. ...Enough. You lose, Gavin. Thanks for the work. Now go. Kristoph: ...To be honest, I don't know what his reasons were to this day. As far as I could tell... ...he dismissed me as his representation... because I lost in a game of poker. I can come to no other conclusion. Trucy: Daddy used to say something. "If you want to know a man, you have to compete"... Apollo: (...Zak wasn't watching his points, or the cards. He was watching the man behind the cards... Kristoph Gavin.) Kristoph: I couldn't believe it. Phoenix Wright...? A second rate attorney who relies on luck and bluffs! He dismissed me... and went with that pitiful excuse for a man? ...He deserved to die for that error alone. Apollo: Hold it! So, the one who requested that forgery was...? Kristoph: ...Oh, I'm not admitting to anything. My point is... ...these two men shamed me, and I could not forgive that. Phoenix Wright and Zak Gramarye both deserved what they got. Apollo: ...So you asked Mr. Misham to forge that evidence... ...so you could "win"! But then, when you were dismissed as Zak Gramarye's attorney... ...you used your forged evidence as a trap! Klavier: You fed me information about the forgery you made. ...Then you gave your dirty evidence to him! Kristoph: You're free to imagine what you will. My point... is that all I had imagined came to pass. Everything went perfectly. ...Hah... Klavier: ...Ha ha ha... Incredible. If I wasn't laughing... I'd weep. Judge: Prosecutor Gavin? Klavier: "Perfectly"...? You're mad, Kristoph. Stop fooling yourself. Kristoph: What are you talking about, Klavier? Klavier: ...Tell me, how did that trial end? Judge: Cancelled... when the defendant vanished. Klavier: Ah. I get it. So, Kristoph... ...you've been living in fear for seven years! Kristoph: ...What...? Apollo: You were afraid your forgery would be revealed, and your reputation trashed! You couldn't leave things to chance... ...so you watched everyone involved with the case, for seven years! Brushel: You know, he always felt like he was being watched? That's what he said. Every day, for seven years. But I felt it, too! "Journalist Sure He Is Being Watched", end quote. Don't you wonder why Zak Gramarye got rubbed out after seven years... ...right after coming into contact with me!? Judge: W-Wait just a minute! Zak Gramarye was seen by this reporter? How is that possible!? Was he alive after being gone seven years!? Apollo: ...... (Finally... I knew this moment was coming... I just didn't think we'd get here so fast. Zak Gramarye... gone missing for seven years... Trucy's father!) Trucy: What's wrong, Apollo! Go get him! Apollo: ...Right. Leave it to me. Allow me to refresh the court's memory. Six months ago, Kristoph Gavin was charged with murdering a "mysterious traveler". Judge: I remember him quite well. Shadi Smith, was it? Poisoned in a Chinese restaurant... Tragic. Apollo: ...The details don't really matter right now. What matters is... that traveler was Zak Gramarye! Trucy: ...... What is it, Apollo? Apollo: ...Huh? Trucy: Keep going! We'll talk about it later! Apollo: ...! (Did... she already know?) Judge: Someone please explain this! ...Mr. Justice! Can you explain this? Apollo: It all started seven years ago... ...The great magician, Magnifi Gramarye's death started it. Magnifi Gramarye's death, and his student, Zak Gramarye, the suspect. Whoever defended Zak in court successfully would be famous beyond belief. ...Thinking that, Kristoph Gavin did the unthinkable. He forged evidence. Judge: ...Drew Misham? Apollo: Actually, it was his daughter, Vera, who really did the work. You took precautions when you had that forgery made, didn't you, Mr. Gavin? Judge: Precautions...? Klavier: ...To keep people from talking, of course. Apollo: That's when you planned your poisoning of the forgers. Klavier: Atroquinine... ...applied to a commemorative stamp. Apollo: But, luck was on Mr. Misham's side. The bomb didn't go off. Judge: His daughter...! She saved him by taking the stamp... I see! Kristoph: ...... Apollo: ...But that wasn't the only bomb he set up. Klavier: The Ariadoney nail polish, ...of course! Apollo: You noticed something when you requested that forgery. When Vera Misham is nervous, she has a bad habit... ...a tendency to bite her nails. Judge: Ah...! Apollo: That nail polish... was her "good luck charm". Drew: She was almost kidnapped, once. Since then, she's been... Well, you can see for yourself. She refuses to leave the house. Vera: That person gave me... a good luck charm. For when I absolutely had to go outside. It protects me. Drew: Yes, apparently, she received something... a gift. She won't tell me what it was. It was from that client... the one who wanted that note made... Apollo: It was his insurance. Judge: Insurance? Apollo: As long as she lived quietly at home, there was no danger to her. But what if she had to go outside!? Klavier: If she ran into any trouble, she'd become nervous... ...and the nail polish would do the rest. Apollo: His time bombs sat there for seven years. And then... they went off almost simultaneously. Kristoph: If you're finished... ...may I return to my cell now? I'm not accustomed to standing for such long periods of time. Apollo: Mr. Gavin! Have you heard a single thing we've said!? Kristoph: Oh, I listened quite closely to your little tale. Quite an entertaining piece of fiction. Apollo: What...? Kristoph: ...Klavier. Surely you understand. Klavier: ...... We're back to the evidence. The lacking evidence. Nothing proves a link between him and the atroquinine that took Drew Misham's life. Apollo: File:Objection.gifWhat about the restaurant? You killed Zak Gramarye! To keep him from talking! Kristoph: ...I killed no man of that name. Read over the report again, if you like. The victim was a traveler by the name of Shadi Smith, about whom we know little else. You can't seriously think I knew he was that particular fugitive...? Apollo: File:Objection.gifOK, then why did you kill him!? Kristoph: ...I plead my right to remain silent. Remember, this court did not convene to put me on trial. The defendant's name is "Vera Misham", suspected in the murder of her father. ...My trial's been finished for six months now. Judge: Hmm... I'm afraid we have strayed considerably from our purpose here. This court concurs with the witness. It is defendant Vera Misham who is on trial here. Trucy: No! But you were doing so good, Apollo! Judge: As long as there is no evidence to support the accusation against him... ...this course of inquiry cannot find Vera Misham innocent! Apollo: File:Objection.gifYour Honor! Phoenix Wright spent seven years collecting this evidence... Kristoph: File:Objection.gif...You still don't get it, do you? Apollo: ...! Kristoph: Let us assume there was poison in the nail polish. Who then, was responsible for causing Vera Misham to bite her nails? Apollo: Wh-What...? Kristoph: It wasn't me, I know that much. The one who brought that poison to her lips... was you. Apollo: Wha... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Kristoph: ...Evidence is everything. There is nothing more. Judge: ...I believe this discussion has reached its conclusion. Apollo: Y-Your Honor! Judge: Mr. Justice... ...you have performed admirably well for a novice attorney. I respect your partner, Phoenix Wright's determination as well. Kristoph: However... ...without direct proof, you have nothing. Isn't that right, Klavier? Klavier: Unfortunately... yes, Kristoph. You're right. ...That is, you would've been right, until now. Apollo: ...! Kristoph: ...What? Klavier: ...Did the news not reach your desk in solitary? The eyes of the nation are on this courtroom today. ...This is the trial case for a new judicial system. Apollo: ...! That's right! (I'd totally forgotten!) The Jurist System! Kristoph: Jurists, you say...? Judge: The current judicial system has been deemed too "closed off" from society. This new system attempts to inject the wisdom of common citizens into the law. Kristoph: Common citizens? Wisdom? Is this some kind of a joke? What could we possibly gain by doing this? Entrusting our judicial system to a mindless, emotional mob of irrational mouth-breathers? Judge: Common citizens have something called "common sense". Common sense is not restricted by the law. Kristoph: Nonsense! There is only room for two in this court: Me, and the law! Keep the riff-raff out! Out, I say! ...... Apollo: They're not in the court, actually. They're watching everything by video camera. Kristoph: H-How can you... allow this? Apollo: Incidentally, the one responsible for making this happen... ...was Phoenix Wright. Kristoph: Phoe... Phoenix Wright...? So... Everything was leading to this. Of course... Right... Wright.. Wright... WrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGGGGGGGGGGGGgggggggGGGGGHhhhHHHHHHHHHHhhhhHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I won't accept... I can't accept... This is no court! Law...! The law is everything! Law is absolute! You'd let ignorant swine soil your courts? Klavier: Kristoph... It's over. Kristoph: K-Klavier!!! Klavier: The law is "absolute"...? You can't be serious. Kristoph: Wh-What...? Klavier: Odd. I thought you spent your life looking for loopholes? The law isn't absolute. It's filled with contradictions. Judge: The law is the end product of many years of history... the fruit of human knowledge! Like a gem, polished to a gleam through trials... and errors. It is this fruit we receive, and pass on, and face in our time. And it is always changing, growing. Nurturing it is our task as human beings. Klavier: Except for you, Kristoph. You aren't changing. You've stopped. You're not needed anymore. Apollo: (...I couldn't think of anything to say. Maybe... because I still haven't seen enough. But someday, I'll know what law is. And I'll fight to change it if I have to!) Judge: ...I see no need to further prolong this trial. This began as the trial of Vera Misham, accused of murdering her father... ...the painter, Drew Misham. However... ...several other incidents were reviewed, and we seem to have reached a conclusion. ...... Before this court declares a verdict, I await your decision. ...Jurists of the court. For the death of Drew Misham, how do you find the defendant, Vera Misham? Innocent...? Or guilty...? ...I turn to you now to consider this matter! October 9, 12:48 PMJurists' Chambers ...This ends the trial for this case. Only the verdict remains to be decided. Defendant Vera Misham is currently in intensive care. Phoenix: If a decision cannot be reached today... ...it may never be reached. The factors involved are simple. Did the defendant poison her father that night...? If so, she is guilty. Or was there another reason for Mr. Misham's death? Did another person poison him? If so, she is innocent. A panel has been provided for each of you to input your decisions. That is all... No. 6: Please... Wait! Phoenix: ...Yes, Jurist No. 6? No. 6: There's something in the Jurist's Handbook here: "Persons involved with the case may not be jurists." Phoenix: ...That is correct. I've looked into all your dossiers. None of you were involved with the development of the case. No. 6: With the "development of the case"...? I see. Phoenix: ...Does that answer your concern? No. 6: ...... Phoenix: ...It's time for your verdicts. Make your decision in the case against Vera Misham! After seven years... the truth is ready to be heard. ...... Judge wisely. Judge well. ...And so a verdict was reached on October 9, 2:14 PM. The first verdict under the Jurist System. ..."Innocent", by unanimous decision. The record will show... ...that when the verdict was announced, special witness Kristoph Gavin... laughed. A laugh louder than any ever heard before... or since. A laugh that echoed in the halls of justice, lingering for what seemed like hours. October 10, 8:30 AM, the morning after the trial... In an intensive care ward... a true miracle occurred. Vera Misham opened her eyes. October 10, 10:12 AMHickfield Clinic Apollo: Vera!!! I'm so glad, I... Trucy: Don't cry, Apollo! ...I'm happy, too. And proud. You did well, Apollo. When I thought about... what if Vera... I... Apollo: Hey now, don't you start crying, too! Um... sorry you had to see us like this. Vera: ...... Apollo: V-Vera...? Vera: ...Thank you so much. Apollo, thank you. Apollo: No, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have pressed you like that... If... If I hadn't you never would have bitten your nails! Vera: No... I was wrong. Staying locked inside like that... clinging to my "good luck charm"... Apollo: Vera... Vera: ...When I opened my eyes, and saw you... I finally understood. It's important to be a part of the world... ...to see things with your own eyes. Apollo: (It looks like that poison had some effect after all. It killed off whatever was holding Vera back from life.) Trucy: I knew you'd pull through, Vera! I mean, that's what Apollo was fighting for the whole time! Your future! Vera: I won't forget it. Here, let me thank you! Apollo: No, really, it's OK... Trucy: Oooh! Look! It's me! I love it! Thanks! Apollo: (Is that... me?) Trucy: She really captured your essence, Apollo! Well, I think so, at least. Vera: That reminds me... ...do you know where the other lawyer is...? Apollo: The other lawyer...? Trucy: Oh! You mean Daddy. 'Cept he's not a lawyer anymore. Vera: ...It's my fault, isn't it? I'm sorry. Trucy: Oh! No, no, no, that's not what I meant... Vera: ...No, it's OK. I'm through looking away from the things I've done. I hope I can look him in the eyes again someday and apologize. Apollo: ...I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that. Vera: He... brought all those things for me... when he came to visit... earlier. Apollo: You mean that stack of videos? (...Mr. Wright finished watching them all?) Trucy: You know, I knew my real daddy was alive. Apollo: Huh...? Trucy: I was there, seven years ago, remember? I was the one who helped him "vanish" from the courtroom! Apollo: Y-You did wha... How? Trucy: I'm not telling! ...He promised me, that day he went away. Zak: We may not meet again for some time, Trucy... ...but know this, I will be watching. And, one day, I shall return. ...You're the next Gramarye, after all! Apollo: Oh... Trucy... (In the end... he couldn't keep that promise, could he?) Trucy: It's OK! Phoenix is my daddy now. Even if he can't really play the piano. Apollo: That he can't... Trucy: ...Oh, and I've got you, too! Even if your voice is kinda loud sometimes. Apollo: Glad I made your list. Trucy: Hey! Come to think of it... ...where is Daddy? The one who can't play. Do you know, Apollo? Apollo: I think he said he had to meet someone. Trucy: Hmm. I wonder... ...Maybe it's a new mommy! Apollo: (*sigh*) Vera: Tee hee... Oh, Trucy? Trucy: Hmm? Yes, Vera? Vera: I was wondering... Could you show him to me once more? ...Sir Hat, was it? Trucy: Oh, he's not been knighted. ...Yet! Here goes... do us an impersonation, Mr. Hat! Mr. Hat: ...Objection!!! ...Ahem. Apollo: Not loud enough. And I like Ms. Magic Underwear better, anyway. Trucy: That's "Magic Panties", Apollo! Phoenix: So... Your memory's returned. ???: Mr. Wright... was this all a part of your plan, too? Phoenix: I don't know what you're talking about. ???: When I lost my memory, I was reborn... as Lamiroir. But, you knew my true identity, did you not? ...That is why you chose me as one of your jurists. Phoenix: Ah, you're thinking into it too much. ...Besides. There was no guarantee that regaining your memory would make you happy. ???: Of course it is a happy thing. Phoenix: ...... ???: For so long, I thought I was alone... ...but now I know I have children. Two dear children. I'm so proud of them... This, too, I think, is thanks to you. Phoenix: Are you going to tell them? ???: They do not know? Phoenix: Nope. They don't know their mother. They don't even know they're siblings. ???: I will go to them... when the time is right. Until then, I... Phoenix: ...Don't worry, I'll take care of them for you. They're... They're very important to me, too. ...A little annoying at times, but still. (I have to keep an eye on her, at least. Because I'm the only one who knows how she really feels... on the inside.) ...Your bracelet. ???: Yes...? Phoenix: I've seen a lot of mysterious things these past seven years. ...But your bracelets were the strangest of all. I remember meeting him, half a year ago now, in Kristoph Gavin's office... ...and then I met you. Two fates destined to intertwine... and I was there when they crossed. I'll never forget that. ???: ...... Such a small thing, that bullet. Yet it tore who I was away... Ten years ago... During a simple rehearsal... It was a miracle no one died... but "I" didn't survive that accident. That is why I left the troupe... my family. Phoenix: ...... ???: Now, my memory has returned. I am myself once more. For the first time... I am glad to be alive, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: ...Speaking of miracles. Vera Misham regained consciousness this morning. I can only hope she's as glad as you are. ???: It is... a strange thing, fate. Sometimes a life is taken. Sometimes a life is spared. Phoenix: You know what I've been thinking? People don't die that easily, really. ...As long as they've got something worth living for. Apollo: ...And that's pretty much the end of my story. For now, anyway. I've still got a long way to go. And this power of mine... well, it needs some work. But... there's hope now. We'd lost it, but somehow, we found it again. That's why people are smiling again... Hope. Yeah, I think I'll keep at this lawyer thing for a while. Oops, training time. Gotta go. Chords of Steel... here comes Justice!File:Objection.gif Trucy: I'm glad you're staying with the agency, Apollo! It's like.. like I've found my long-lost, big, little brother! Oh, and don't you worry about Troupe Gramarye! Trucy's on the case! ...Now that I've have this, thanks to Daddy. Mr. Hat: Trucy Gramarye? Frankly, I got my doubts. But Hat Gramarye? Now that'll pack 'em in! Klavier: It's not every day you get a trial that rocks harder than one of our gigs, ja? That's why it's over! The Gavinners are breaking up. ...The news caused a run on tissues at supermarkets nation-wide. You're the real stars, now! I look forward to our next jam session. Phoenix: Well, it's finally over. You know, thinking about it... ...I've been a piano player longer than I was a laywer. Now that everything's sorted, and I've got time on my hands, maybe I'll take some lessons. ...Or maybe I'll take the bar exam... again. Ema: ...So, I was standing around, eating Snackoos the other day... ...when I got this crazy idea! What if they were... golden!? You could augment the crunch, or better yet, make them ding! Ah... the power of science! ...Although the preservatives might not be 100% safe... Olga: In unlikely event you are wanting Russian feast, come to Borscht Bowl Club! The only thing colder than restaurant... is borscht! Dah, but if greater challenge is being required... ...then come to the Hydeout. You know who to ask for! Plum: So, Kitaki Pastries is getting back to its Eastern "roots". Spread the culture, and all. Yo, Boss! Culture time!!! Big Wins: ...This is how we write "root", capice? Plum: But we're still about giving back to the people! Yo, Boss! P.R. time!!! Big Wins: ...And this his how we write "people", alright? Plum: Not that Wocky's paying any attention. Whoooh... Kids... Wocky: Bizzoy! Chinese characters on cake was a fly idea like 3,000 years ago. Believe dat! Man, you wanna make it today, you gotta keep it real, you know what I'm saying? Yo, thats why I made the "O. G. Cracker". Fo real! I KNOW it don't look like no cracker, G. What, you want me to call it the O. G. Muffin!? Eldoon: ...I don't know where all this talk about food is coming from. You ask me, there's only one food, and that's noodles. Noodles forever! I got a new one, too. See this time, I just put a big chunk of salt in the bowl! Why pretend? Eldoon's Noodles is about the salt! Salt forever!!! Stickler: My exceptionally inquisitive nature has won me unequivocal adoration in my department. You see, they used to call me Wesley Stinkler. And Wesley Stickyhands. But no longer. I have a new name, one that reflects my true academic nature... ...Wesley Sicko, reporting! Yes, curiosity is a sickness, and I am the cure! Lamiroir: I don't know how to thank you for all you've done. Light has returned to my life, and with it, joy. I may have lost years, but I have gained a treasure. ...Two treasures, in fact. I will think of them when I write my next song. Brushel: Brush-a Brush-a Brushel! Brush-a Brush-a Brushel! Brushel here, back on the beat with another interview! Eh? How do I feel about how things turned out? "No Scoop Yet But Journalist's Confidence In Mint Condition", end quoooooote! Vera: ...I've decided to keep painting. Originals only, of course. ...I suppose I'll have to see a bit of the world outside to find what to paint. ...But, I know there are good people out there now. I've met them. ...The door is open. The world is waiting. Thank you.