| - Star Wars: Dark Forces — шутер от первого лица, разработанный LucasArts и изданный 28 февраля 1995 года. Одна из первых игр по Звёздным войнам и первый шутер по этой саге.
- Dark Forces uses the Jedi game engine, which was developed specifically for the game. The engine adds gameplay features to the first-person shooter genre which were uncommon at the time of release. These features include level designs with multiple floors and the ability to look up and down.
- Star Wars: Dark Forces is a first-person shooter computer game released on February 28, 1995, by LucasArts. The game was highly successful and was followed by novelizations and a sequel, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Jedi Knight spawned an entire series of games which includes the expansion Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and, most recently, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. This series, with the exception of Jedi Academy, focuses on the continuing exploits of Kyle Katarn, many of which take place after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.
- [Fonte] Star Wars: Dark Forces é um jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa produzido e distribuído pela LucasArts lançado em 1995. Foi o primeiro jogo do gênero baseado na franquia Star Wars. O sucesso levou a criação de mais duas seqüências: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II em 1997 e Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast em 2002. Os elementos introduzidos na trama do jogo são aproveitados nas seqüências e em outros materiais do universo expandido, como o protagonista Kyle Katarn.
- Star Wars: Dark Forces fue un juego muy exitoso que surgió en 1995, tan así que tuvo sus secuelas en otros juegos como Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight con su expansión, Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, y Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy incluyendo la novelización de la historia. Esta serie de Historias están centradas en el personaje de Kyle Katarn, mercenario surgido del Imperio y también en Jan Ors su piloto y proveedor de información en las misiones.
- A series of Star Wars-based First-Person Shooter Video Games, with accompanying novellas. They take place during and after the original trilogy, and revolve around Kyle Katarn, a Stormtrooper-turned-mercenary-turned-Jedi who roams around the seedy side of the galaxy. Kyle is one of the most popular Expanded Universe-only Star Wars characters, due to his Deadpan Snarker dialogue combined with fun Badass qualities. The entire series is now available on Steam. For more information see another wiki. Not The Other Wiki, but another wiki.
- Unlike many other Doom-based games, Dark Forces attempted a realistic approach: The missions followed a certain storyline, sometimes interrupted by videos to progress the tale. Each mission had its own briefing and objective. The levels were designed to represent actual bases, mines, facilities, and other known places from the Star Wars universe, like Star Destroyer interiors, Jabba's ship, Coruscant, etc. The game introduces the character of Kyle Katarn, a former Imperial agent, now a mercenary for hire in the service of the Rebel Alliance.