| - This is your standard siege-style quest. Speak with Glayvin to get the quest, then talk to Justiciar Naveed (who is standing nearby) to be transported to an instance of Tarnished Haven called "The Justiciar's End". There will be five waves of White Mantle assaulting from the left side, consisting of White Mantle Priests, Savants, Sycophants, Seekers, and Zealots, all level 16-20. Each wave will spawn after the previous one has been defeated. Lazarus the Dire will appear as a non-aggressive NPC after the last wave.
| - This is your standard siege-style quest. Speak with Glayvin to get the quest, then talk to Justiciar Naveed (who is standing nearby) to be transported to an instance of Tarnished Haven called "The Justiciar's End". There will be five waves of White Mantle assaulting from the left side, consisting of White Mantle Priests, Savants, Sycophants, Seekers, and Zealots, all level 16-20. Each wave will spawn after the previous one has been defeated. Lazarus the Dire will appear as a non-aggressive NPC after the last wave. Utilizing AoE damage makes this quest rather easy, as the White Mantle waves have a tendency to clump together. Barrage / Volley are particularly effective in this regard, since the party can often stand on higher ground than the approaching foes, giving Rangers an increased range and damage boost. Also, a Minion Master can be very helpful as there are an abundance of corpses, and your minions can form a protective wall. All in all, the quest doesn't really deserve the Master difficulty tag. You can also walk through the portal if you want to meet them outside.