Constable Ranjit Singh is an officer of the New Meccan quarter. His underling Mani Samikolin reported the incident of Samjar Korminjab robbery.
Ranjit Singh gründete das Sikh-Reich, das sich zwischen 1799 und 1849 über den Punjab bis zum Nordwesten Indiesn erstreckte.
In the mirror universe, Ranjit Singh was a Terran male who lived during the 23rd century. He was a verified descendant of Khan Noonien Singh. In 2288, he was put forth by Admiral Ivan West as a candidate to replace Spock as Terran Emperor. This idea was quickly shot down, as West's co-conspirators considered Singh to be a megalomaniac. (TOS - Mirror Universe novel: The Sorrows of Empire) Considering that Khan Noonien Singh's counterpart did not have any children before departing Earth in the SS Botany Bay in 1996, it is highly likely that Ranjit Singh has no counterpart in the primary universe.
Ranjit has maintained a good relationship with each of the main characters since his first appearance and has a cheery disposition. (Pilot) Ranjit drives the main characters around on a few occasions and, on one occasion, drinks champagne with them in MacLaren's bar. He also drives the limo right after Marshall and Lily are married. His wife's name is Falguni, who is seen when Marshall and Lily invite Ranjit and her for a double date. (The Sexless Innkeeper)