ECS North Star was a starship in the Earth Cargo Service that operated in the first part of the 22nd century. Former ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan grew up on the North Star, living with his parents on board that ship. Some time prior to 2151, the ECS North Star was nearly destroyed. Ryan's parents were among the casualties in this disaster. After being rescued Ryan transferred to the Fortunate, where he eventually became the first officer. (ENT episode: "Fortunate Son")
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- ECS North Star
- ECS North Star
- ECS North Star
| - ECS North Star was a starship in the Earth Cargo Service that operated in the first part of the 22nd century. Former ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan grew up on the North Star, living with his parents on board that ship. Some time prior to 2151, the ECS North Star was nearly destroyed. Ryan's parents were among the casualties in this disaster. After being rescued Ryan transferred to the Fortunate, where he eventually became the first officer. (ENT episode: "Fortunate Son")
- De ECS North Star was een vrachtschip van de Aarde vrachtdienst in dienst tijdens de 22e eeuw dat bijna werd verwoest bij een aanval. Matthew Ryan en zijn ouders dienden aan boord van de ECS North Star. Zijn ouders kwamen om bij de aanval en Matthew was één van de weinige overlevenden. Na de ramp werd Ryan overgeplaatst naar de ECS Fortunate. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
- Die ECS North Star ist ein Frachtschiff. Matthew Ryan ist ein Überlebender eines Zwischenfalls auf der ECS North Star. Seine Eltern kommen dabei ums Leben. Danach wechselt er zur ECS 2801 Fortunate. Ensign Travis Mayweather ist dieses Unglück bekannt. (ENT: )
- Nave Mercante de la Tierra, que a mediados del Siglo XXII fue destruida por un trágico accidente en el cual fallecieron los padres de Matthew Ryan, siendo este uno de los pocos sobrevivientes. Al tiempo, pidió ser transferido al ECS Fortunate, donde llegó a desempeñar el puesto de Primer Oficial.
- The ECS North Star was a ship of the Earth Cargo Service in the 22nd century. It was nearly destroyed in a horrible disaster. Matthew Ryan and his parents served aboard the North Star. His parents were killed in the disaster and Ryan was one of the few survivors. Ryan later joined the crew of the ECS Fortunate.
- The ECS North Star was a Earth Cargo Service freighter that was in service in the mid-22nd century. Prior to 2151, the North Star became well-known, at least among the boomer community, for its involvement in a disaster. Matthew Ryan and his parents served aboard the ECS North Star; they were killed in the event, and Matthew was one of the few survivors. Subsequently, Ryan transferred to the ECS Fortunate. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
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| - ECS North Star was a starship in the Earth Cargo Service that operated in the first part of the 22nd century. Former ECS Fortunate first officer Matthew Ryan grew up on the North Star, living with his parents on board that ship. Some time prior to 2151, the ECS North Star was nearly destroyed. Ryan's parents were among the casualties in this disaster. After being rescued Ryan transferred to the Fortunate, where he eventually became the first officer. (ENT episode: "Fortunate Son")
- De ECS North Star was een vrachtschip van de Aarde vrachtdienst in dienst tijdens de 22e eeuw dat bijna werd verwoest bij een aanval. Matthew Ryan en zijn ouders dienden aan boord van de ECS North Star. Zijn ouders kwamen om bij de aanval en Matthew was één van de weinige overlevenden. Na de ramp werd Ryan overgeplaatst naar de ECS Fortunate. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")
- Die ECS North Star ist ein Frachtschiff. Matthew Ryan ist ein Überlebender eines Zwischenfalls auf der ECS North Star. Seine Eltern kommen dabei ums Leben. Danach wechselt er zur ECS 2801 Fortunate. Ensign Travis Mayweather ist dieses Unglück bekannt. (ENT: )
- Nave Mercante de la Tierra, que a mediados del Siglo XXII fue destruida por un trágico accidente en el cual fallecieron los padres de Matthew Ryan, siendo este uno de los pocos sobrevivientes. Al tiempo, pidió ser transferido al ECS Fortunate, donde llegó a desempeñar el puesto de Primer Oficial.
- The ECS North Star was a Earth Cargo Service freighter that was in service in the mid-22nd century. Prior to 2151, the North Star became well-known, at least among the boomer community, for its involvement in a disaster. Matthew Ryan and his parents served aboard the ECS North Star; they were killed in the event, and Matthew was one of the few survivors. Subsequently, Ryan transferred to the ECS Fortunate. (ENT: "Fortunate Son") In the first draft script of "Fortunate Son", this vessel had the name the "Gallant" and was established as the first posting of Jackson Keene. However, as in the final version of the episode, the craft was referred to as having also included Ryan's parents among its crew and having been disastrously "lost." According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 45) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the ECS North Star was lost in 2147.
- The ECS North Star was a ship of the Earth Cargo Service in the 22nd century. It was nearly destroyed in a horrible disaster. Matthew Ryan and his parents served aboard the North Star. His parents were killed in the disaster and Ryan was one of the few survivors. Ryan later joined the crew of the ECS Fortunate.
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