| - The Sun Throne is the royal throne of Cairhien.
- The chair is located in the Grand Hall of the Sun in the Sun Palace. Some have described it as the soul of the palace. Despite its royal occupation, the chair is a fine example of Cairhienien restraint--though glittering with gold silk and gilt, its plain straight lines and heavy, sturdy arms are what stand out and give the chair its distinctive character. It's only nod to flamboyancy is the large golden Rising Sun affixed high up on the chair's back and made to look as though it is shining down upon the royal occupant's head. Elayne Trakand, Queen of Andor recently Traveled to Cairhien to lay claim to the Sun Throne. Just prior to seating herself in it, Birgitte, her Warder discovered a small needle, its point coated with a black substance presumed to be poison, set into the chair's cushioning. After its removal, and when questioned whether it was safe for Elayne to sit in it, the irrepressible gaidin responded with, "One way to find out," and to the consternation of both Elayne and the assembled Cairhienien nobility, sat in it, commenting the while, "Not very comfortable."