| - Basically, I set it up so that when you're in perl and have a non keyword charcter, (except for @, $ and % for perl) and you type a { you get: { | <- cursor } Whereas, when I have a keyword I get: word{} With the cursor in the middle, for hashes in perl. I can jump out of any block, except the "..." or '...' blocks, by typing their closing character. So } jumps me out past the next } in the file. Warning, this search may wrap around. Finally, I made it so that, using the alt key,
| - Basically, I set it up so that when you're in perl and have a non keyword charcter, (except for @, $ and % for perl) and you type a { you get: { | <- cursor } Whereas, when I have a keyword I get: word{} With the cursor in the middle, for hashes in perl. I can jump out of any block, except the "..." or '...' blocks, by typing their closing character. So } jumps me out past the next } in the file. Warning, this search may wrap around. Finally, I made it so that, using the alt key,
* inserts a '
* inserts a "
* inserts a [
* inserts a ]
* inserts a {
* inserts a }
* inserts a <
* inserts a > " File - matchMe.vim " Date - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 " This code fixes my problem with " does the one format for perl and acts correctly with " hashes function! InsertBrackets() let fileType = &ft if fileType == 'perl' let col = col('.') - 1 if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\$' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '@' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '%' && getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '#' return "{\\}\ko" else return "{}\i\:echo \" endif else return "{\\}\ko" endif endfunction " This code jumps out of the brackets function! JumpNext(startChar, endChar) let ret1 = "\:echo searchpair('".a:startChar."','','".a:endChar."','W','synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"string\"')\i\" return ret1 endfunction " mappings inoremap " ""i:echo inoremap ' ''i:echo inoremap < <>i:echo inoremap ( ()i:echo inoremap [ []i:echo inoremap { =InsertBrackets () inoremap > =JumpNext("<",">") inoremap ) =JumpNext("(",")") inoremap ] =JumpNext("[","]") inoremap } =JumpNext("{","}") inoremap [ inoremap ] inoremap " inoremap { inoremap } inoremap < inoremap > inoremap ( inoremap ) inoremap '