| - Vanguard PAC strongly supports laws to protect the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of their race, gender, or ethnic background; as well as vigorous enforcement of those laws. We also support policy reforms that would remove barriers to economic and educational opportunity for all Americans. But more important than any of that, Vanguard PAC seeks to accomplish and fulfill Martin Luther King's dream: real equality. This has been an elusive goal, especially since most -- if not all -- legal descrimination has been eliminated. For three decades, the question has been, "Jim Crow is gone: now what?" The Left's answer has been less than satisfactory. Unfair and unjust racial and gender-driven quotas, set-asides and other forms of preferential treatment haven't worked; they've also heightened racial tensions with their "two wrongs will somehow make a right" approach, and Vanguard PAC opposes them. Our answer is to strike at the heart of the problem: in addition to legally enforcing the civil rights of all Americans, we must give them the real economic and educational opportunity necessary to fully participate in American society. You can pass a thousand laws, but if minority children are denied the ability to get the best educations their parents can find, and if poor Americans -- regardless of color or gender -- are prevented from starting businesses, saving for retirement, and getting adequate health care, equality can never exist. Our Chairman, Rod D. Martin, has believed and taught for a lifetime that the real hope for minorities in America is economic opportunity, the same engine of progress that has forever changed the lives of millions of Koreans, Taiwanese and Japanese in the past fifty years, and the same unstoppable force that has transformed the lives of millions of immigrants on these shores. By itself, it's not enough; but without it, nothing can do the job.