| - But here it goes: I told you so! The link is a translation of an article written by a brazilian guy who managed to hack into the ONS (national electric system operator) by spying on their robots.txt file and using SQL injection technique. He claims it wasn’t him who took down the power grid. Now, excuse me, I gotta go find what I need to do in order to immigrate to Canada. :P Love the show Hi buzz-crew. Regarding the EU cookie law. How do Local Shared Objects () fit in to the equation? Will LSOs have to be approved by the user as well? If not, then all sites will just store all data in LSOs instead and those are even harder to get rid of. To delete LSOs you have to go to the right folder on your computer and delete the files manually or you have to go to Adobe’s control panel-site and delete them there. On the control panel-site you can also choose if sites should be able to store data on your computer or not, BUT if you block storage some sites will not work (ustream is one example). If you’re using Firefox there is an extension called BetterPrivacy which gives you better control over LSOs. Lllloooooooooove the show. Buzz Crew, Isn't anyone a little worried about what Google is doing with all this information they are collecting? Maybe they are developing all these free products just to gather as much information as they can? Example: I am at work, get a Gmail from my boss saying I need to finish a report (and we use Google Docs of course because it's free). My wife calls my Google Voice number and says we need toothpaste. I leave work to go to the gym, and decide to watch a popular YouTube video while on the bike. A 15 second Crest commercial happens to pop up, but I skip it. I usually take the long way back to work (of course Latitude knows this). Then my Droid tells me, "You better pick up some Crest on the way back to work and take the shorter route since you will pass a drugstore. And you better hurry since you are only half done with the report!" And of course due to some error all this ends up searchable on Google. Love the show, Honolulu, HI Hi BOL folks, The reference to the 5gb limit on data is in the fine print from the PDA/Smartphone email plan (which I have for my Droid). It says: The Data Plans and Features MAY NOT be used for any other purpose. Examples of prohibited uses include, without limitation, the following: (i) continuous uploading, downloading or streaming of audio or video programming or games; (ii) server devices or host computer applications, including, but not limited to, Web camera posts or broadcasts, automatic data feeds, automated machine-to-machine connections or peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing; or (iii) as a substitute or backup for private lines or dedicated data connections. This means, by way of example only, that checking email, surfing the Internet, downloading legally acquired songs, and/or visiting corporate intranets is permitted, but downloading movies using P2P file sharing services and/or redirecting television signals for viewing on laptops is prohibited. A person engaged in prohibited uses, continuously for one hour, could typically use 100 to 200 MBs, or, if engaged in prohibited uses for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, could use more than 5 GBs in a month. For individual use only and not for resale. We reserve the right to protect our network from harm, which may impact legitimate data flows. We reserve the right to limit throughput or amount of data transferred, and to deny or terminate service, without notice, to anyone we believe is using an Data Plan or Feature in any manner prohibited above or whose usage adversely impacts our network or service levels. Anyone using more than 5 GB per line in a given month is presumed to be using the service in a manner prohibited above, and we reserve the right to immediately terminate the service of any such person without notice. We also reserve the right to terminate service upon expiration of Customer Agreement term. Hope this helps. Droid owner in Atlanta