| - Danielle 'Danni' and Izabel 'Izzy' Hallie are two normal 14-year old twins. When they, along with their friends, Emmett, Derrick, Vanessa, Maggie, and their little sister, Aymie, crash into the water by a deserted island, they must survive. You know, until they realize the entire thing was planned by sadistic TV show hosts. Features the books:
* Crash Landed
* Ship Wrecked
* Summer 2012 Provides examples of:
- Crash Landed is a cancelled Crash game that was developed by Radical Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii. It was intended to be a reboot of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. The game's title was unknown to the public after the cancellation was announced, and fans knew it as Crash Bandicoot 2010 until January 2013, when it was discovered to be called Crash Landed, but it was abandoned in favor of Prototype 2. Development of the game began in 2009. It was cancelled after two years of development. After Sony Computer Entertainment were rumored to want to acquire the rights to publish the franchise, Activision (Activision Blizzard) decided to lay off the entire development team behind the game. The game would have centered around Crash Bandicoot attempting to free his
| - Crash Landed is a cancelled Crash game that was developed by Radical Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii. It was intended to be a reboot of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. The game's title was unknown to the public after the cancellation was announced, and fans knew it as Crash Bandicoot 2010 until January 2013, when it was discovered to be called Crash Landed, but it was abandoned in favor of Prototype 2. Development of the game began in 2009. It was cancelled after two years of development. After Sony Computer Entertainment were rumored to want to acquire the rights to publish the franchise, Activision (Activision Blizzard) decided to lay off the entire development team behind the game. The game would have centered around Crash Bandicoot attempting to free his imprisoned bandicoot friends from Doctor Neo Cortex and his henchman, Dingodile. A Nintendo DS version was pitched by Renegade Kid, but ultimately rejected with competition from other developers who wanted to work on the DS version. This is the first cancelled Crash 2010 game, the second being Crash Team Racing (2010).
- Danielle 'Danni' and Izabel 'Izzy' Hallie are two normal 14-year old twins. When they, along with their friends, Emmett, Derrick, Vanessa, Maggie, and their little sister, Aymie, crash into the water by a deserted island, they must survive. You know, until they realize the entire thing was planned by sadistic TV show hosts. Features the books:
* Crash Landed
* Ship Wrecked
* Summer 2012 Provides examples of:
* Ascended Extra: Maggie was only an extra in the original manuscript of the books. In the rewrites, she was promoted to a main character and her group of friends was demolished.
* All Love Is Unrequited: Danni to Jesse in the last book, having gotten over her Derrick-related heartbreak.
* Awesome McCoolname: Played completely straight with Jake Mc Cool. Danni decides in her inner monologue that he probably made it up, and it's confirmed in the epilogue that he totally made it up.
* Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted by Danni. She has had her hair burned, nearly drowned TWICE, had a coconut dropped on her head, and been bitten by a piranha. And this is just the first book!
* Blue Eyes: The only similar physical trait between Danni and Izzy. Danni has curly brown hair, Izzy has straight blonde hair. Danni has freckles, Izzy not so much. Danni is five-foot-two, Izzy is four-foot-eleven.
* Better as Friends: Danni thinks she and Derrick are this, until they finally get together in the last book.
* Embarrassing Full Name: Danielle Marie and Izabel Marissa aren't so crazy about their full names, so they just go by Danni and Izzy.
* Everyone Can See It: Danni and Derrick, to the point where even Danni's 4 year old sister can even see it. Izzy and Emmett too.
* Foreshadowing:
* Danni gets attacked by piranhas that weren't there when they arrived at the island. Meaning someone had to put them there.
* The titles of the first two books.
* Love Triangle: Two in motion by the third book, within the already standing Love Dodechahedron. Derrick likes Danni who likes Jesse being one, and Jesse liking Izzy who likes Emmett being the other.
* Love Dodechahedron: Derrick likes Danni who likes Jesse who likes Izzy who likes Emmett.
* My Nayme Is: Not Amy, Aymie. Short for Amelia, spelled normally.
* Noodle Incident: Every one of Derrick's stunts that are mentioned. As well as the time Danni got stuck in a claw machine. Here's all we know about the latter incident:
* Not Me This Time: Even after mentally and near physically torturing them, the TV show host from the first two books is not behind the third one.
* Official Couple: By the end of the series, Danni and Derrick are canon, as are Emmett and Izzy.
* Rescue Romance: Danni begins her crush on Jesse when he catches her after she falls from a tree.
* Shrinking Violet: Danni spends the majority of Ship Wrecked like this. Derrick kisses and rejects her, Izzy finds out about the first time Derrick and Danni kiss and, thus, gets mad that Danni never told her, and, oh, they're trapped on another deserted island. It's definitely enough to make her shy away from others and fear her own judgement.
* Sickeningly Sweethearts: In the last book, Izzy and Emmett. And before that, Jesse and Izzy.
* Slap Slap Kiss: Almost literally with Danni and Derrick!
* Test Kiss: Danni and Derrick. A weird example because Danni does feel sparks, but decides against persuing a relationship with him because she's known him for so long. Emmett calls her out on this, telling her she wouldn't find anyone with more history or chemistry with her because they've known each other since they were kids.
* That Came Out Wrong: While talking to Danni, Emmett is trying to explain his feelings for Izzy, and says that he wouldn't want to kiss her, meaning not yet. Unfortunately, guess who overhears this?
* Platonic Life Partners: Emmett and Danni.
* Unrequited Love Switcheroo: Danni isn't ready to pursue a relationship with Derrick in the first book, and by the time she IS ready, he decides it would be weird if they dated. By the time HE'S ready, she's already pining after Jesse.
* You Called Me "X" - It Must Be Serious: When Danni runs away because everyone is teasing her and Derrick, Izzy calls her by her full name, trying to invoke this trope. Unfortunately, it backfires on her.