| - Lord Zedd created Photomare from a Polaroid camera. Photomare was able to trap the Rangers (who had been transformed into kids) inside a photograph. Photomare and Goldar had cornered Bulk and Skull (who had also been transformed into kids) to retrieve the photograph of the six kids. Alpha 5 was able to temporarily freeze Goldar and Photomare in their tracks. When the Rangers returned to their correct ages, Photomare grew giant, at which point they summoned the Red Dragon Thunderzord. Photomare quickly created a copy of the zord, called Copyzord. After the Thunderzords combined to form the Thunder Megazord, they were able to easily destroy both Photomare and her Copyzord in one quick swipe of the Thunder Saber.
- Photomare trapped the Rangers (who were turned into children, but thankfully kept their Ranger memories and powers) in a photograph. She could trap people into photographs. Photomare made a copy of Red Dragon Warrior Mode. She was made out of a Polaroid camera and was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord, with the kid Rangers piloting it. In addition to trapping people in photographs, she could blast a powerful laser from her camera lens-resembling eye. She is the twin sister of Photominator.
| - Photomare trapped the Rangers (who were turned into children, but thankfully kept their Ranger memories and powers) in a photograph. She could trap people into photographs. Photomare made a copy of Red Dragon Warrior Mode. She was made out of a Polaroid camera and was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord, with the kid Rangers piloting it. In addition to trapping people in photographs, she could blast a powerful laser from her camera lens-resembling eye. She is the twin sister of Photominator. Photomare underestimated the young Rangers. She was nearly defeated by the Thunder Megazord Saber's stab attack, blowing out everything inside of her camera eye in the center, but got up and continued to battle, stumbling over declaring that she wasn't dead yet. Later, she was defeated by the Thunder Megazord's sword slashes and during her death, she refers to the Rangers as 'Mini Rangers'. Originally she was going to have two forms. In her human form she resembled a woman with purple hair and snow-white skin, and wore a black swimsuit over a purple oversuit. She was also going to have an attack in this scene: the Shutter Attack. The Shutter Attack was unique as it allowed for Photomare to use the palm of her right hand to create from there a giant eyeball, which was capable of firing bursts of white energy at her intended target, thus causing them to disappear (supposedly in an alternate dimension). In a deleted scene, Alpha managed to dodge her initial shutter attack with several wushu-style twisting moves. Again he was very lucky to dodge Photomare’s attacks. A confident Photomare then produces from her fist a two-dimensional photo of recent victims. She would later trap Ted and Melissa as well when they would come to Alpha's rescue. Photomare first appears at the end of the episode Forever Friends, as a small projection created by Lord Zedd in the palm of his hand of twisted metal and exposed flesh. She appears for real in the episode Small But Mighty, and is voiced by Julissa Aguirre. She then appears in the following episode, The Wedding, where she is now voiced by Brianne Siddall.
- Lord Zedd created Photomare from a Polaroid camera. Photomare was able to trap the Rangers (who had been transformed into kids) inside a photograph. Photomare and Goldar had cornered Bulk and Skull (who had also been transformed into kids) to retrieve the photograph of the six kids. Alpha 5 was able to temporarily freeze Goldar and Photomare in their tracks. When the Rangers returned to their correct ages, Photomare grew giant, at which point they summoned the Red Dragon Thunderzord. Photomare quickly created a copy of the zord, called Copyzord. After the Thunderzords combined to form the Thunder Megazord, they were able to easily destroy both Photomare and her Copyzord in one quick swipe of the Thunder Saber.