| - In Real Life and in fiction, the Straw Feminist and the Straw Bachelor are generally at each other's throats. However, it seems that there is one thing that both parties agree on: children are a waste. For the straw feminist, a child serves only to keep a woman at home when she could be aspiring to bigger and better things. To the straw bachelor, a child means being tied down to one woman, and having to pay child benefits, when that time and money could be put to better use. Contrast Babies Make Everything Better Examples:
| - In Real Life and in fiction, the Straw Feminist and the Straw Bachelor are generally at each other's throats. However, it seems that there is one thing that both parties agree on: children are a waste. For the straw feminist, a child serves only to keep a woman at home when she could be aspiring to bigger and better things. To the straw bachelor, a child means being tied down to one woman, and having to pay child benefits, when that time and money could be put to better use. Other reasons people might believe this is thinking that children are spoiled brats, cruel, or just useless -- surely all they do is run around playing, and not contributing to society. To rectify this, some morally dubious characters may decide to build something Powered by a Forsaken Child. Contrast Babies Make Everything Better Examples: