| - Ted describes Heather to Robin by saying "it took her six years to graduate from three different colleges, during which time she wrecked two cars, got married for five days, and lived in a tree for nine weeks, only to realize that no one had any intention of cutting it down." She planned to transfer to New York University, but on the day of the admissions interview, she sold the furniture in The Apartment so she could fly to Spain and attend a Nine Inch Nails concert. She was also caught for shoplifting in April 2008.
| - Ted describes Heather to Robin by saying "it took her six years to graduate from three different colleges, during which time she wrecked two cars, got married for five days, and lived in a tree for nine weeks, only to realize that no one had any intention of cutting it down." She planned to transfer to New York University, but on the day of the admissions interview, she sold the furniture in The Apartment so she could fly to Spain and attend a Nine Inch Nails concert. She was also caught for shoplifting in April 2008. Ted is shown to being protective of his younger sister, making a point to keep her away from Barney to prevent her from being seduced by him. Despite this, the two met in December of 2008 soon after Heather arrives. Lily discovers the two half-dressed in Barney's office and relays this to Ted, who becomes furious and disappointed at the two for their actions. It is later revealed that Barney and Heather did not sleep together, instead taking advantage of both Lily and Ted to prove that Heather had matured. Heather decided to pursue a career in finance and move to New York City, and asked Ted to co-sign her lease. Ted wouldn't sign the lease, believing that Heather was still immature and irresponsible. However, he came to realize that she had grown up, and agreed to sign her lease.