Apprentice Melissa Watkins is an initiate of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel in 2281. She spends her time wandering around inside the Hidden Valley bunker.
Apprentice Melissa Watkins is an initiate of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel in 2281. She spends her time wandering around inside the Hidden Valley bunker.
Melissa Watkins es una iniciada en la Hermandad del Acero y pasa la mayor parte su tiempo dando vueltas en el interior del Búnker de Hidden Valley en 2281.
Apprentice Melissa Watkins is an initiate of the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel in 2281. She spends her time wandering around inside the Hidden Valley bunker.
Melissa Watkins es una iniciada en la Hermandad del Acero y pasa la mayor parte su tiempo dando vueltas en el interior del Búnker de Hidden Valley en 2281.