Yellow Submarine is a 1968 British animated musical fantasy comedy film inspired by the music of the Beatles, directed by animation producer George Dunning, and produced by United Artists and King Features Syndicate. Initial press reports stated that the Beatles themselves would provide their own character voices; however, aside from composing and performing the songs, the real Beatles participated only in the closing scene of the film, while their cartoon counterparts were voiced by other actors. The movie featured many songs from the Beatles including hits like the title track Yellow Submarine and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
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| - The Beatles Yellow Submarine
| - Yellow Submarine is a 1968 British animated musical fantasy comedy film inspired by the music of the Beatles, directed by animation producer George Dunning, and produced by United Artists and King Features Syndicate. Initial press reports stated that the Beatles themselves would provide their own character voices; however, aside from composing and performing the songs, the real Beatles participated only in the closing scene of the film, while their cartoon counterparts were voiced by other actors. The movie featured many songs from the Beatles including hits like the title track Yellow Submarine and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
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| - The Beatles Yellow Submarine
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| - Yellow Submarine is a 1968 British animated musical fantasy comedy film inspired by the music of the Beatles, directed by animation producer George Dunning, and produced by United Artists and King Features Syndicate. Initial press reports stated that the Beatles themselves would provide their own character voices; however, aside from composing and performing the songs, the real Beatles participated only in the closing scene of the film, while their cartoon counterparts were voiced by other actors. The movie featured many songs from the Beatles including hits like the title track Yellow Submarine and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The Hot Wheels model is basically the submarine that appears in the movie (see Gallery) which is pushed together a bit. It proportions do not match to the "real" submarine, although it has the same amazing architecture. The four periscopes extend from the top and the double four port holes are also present on each side. And it even has the two four-bladed propellers on the back.